ignorance is bliss

It is too far gone?

But not gone enough

Is there an expectancy?

A measurement of love?

Is it wrong? I ask

When hairs stand on end?

Not for a lover or stranger

But a kindness, a friend?

I mean I fell with a look

Dusted with powder blue eyes

They glanced over me

For once I was alive

It must be in my head

Or I will just suffer

For I can only be a companion

Not your heart beat or lover

For you are not mine

You are wrapped in her

Warm and safe akin

To rich draped in fur

Yet I see it there, I do think I’m crazy

Because what is crazier

Than to think you love

Someone you aren’t dating?

Hands so close they touch

Eyes locked for too long

Can I ever go back?

Are we too far gone?

I ask is love measured?

Only kept to one?

Or can I be delusional

Or put it down to fun?

Because you stayed til sunrise

And we didn’t touch at all

But you touched my heart

So for you I fall

For tongue bitten smiles

Bleached blonde hair

That all belong to a man

For which I shouldn’t care

You were a friend before

Can we be friends again?

With something between us

Ignored as if not there

Perhaps I’ll cry a while

Lose some weight

Because if I am less

You can’t love my bare state

For I cannot be full

Not of food or love

Because being bigger

Means there’s more to let go of

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