
Breaking from illusions

They glue my perception

Making me question

Is reality real?

I use to be blind but now I can feel

Like reading the words in a 3rd eyed braille

No question to an answer I can’t see

Insight the look within

Because the power is within me

I shine my light to expose the veil

Comprehension is the tool

Only the worthy can wield

So follow my tracks an board this train

The only stop is the station

Of which there is more to gain

I can take you to your destination

With the speed of a bullet

If you could see the translation

Sight sight sight

Why must you linger?

To have a pinpointed view

To yourself you must point the finger

Some boast there dark side

But the light gently shines

You must view it from a fixed angle

Or it’s you the light will blind

Binded in chains of perception

Viewing a false reality

Too dull too sense any casualty

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