The coffee break

Tina crossed the road to her favourite cafe in the castle grounds just opposite her office. The park was at that very special time of year when the snowdrops were just going over but the daffodils were beginning to come out.

On this particular Tuesday lunchtime the sun was weak but shining through the trees onto her face as she walked.

A man with five dogs passed her and she once again thought how he must have one of the best jobs in world, being paid to look after other people’s pooches. The dream she had never made a reality.

But new job none the less, after two and a half years hard labour with the wicked witch of Aberdare Tina is qualified to take on anything. Project Manager, working for the national team. She had no designs on this role, saw it advertised and thought why not.

Second week has proved less frantic than the first, colleagues seem nice. There is a chap down the corridor called Steve who keeps eyeing her up.
