Writing Prompt

Using the three associated images above can you craft a story or poem out of them?
Tina crossed the road to her favourite cafe in the castle grounds just opposite her office. The park was at that very special time of year when the snowdrops were just going over but the daffodils were beginning to come out.
On this particular Tuesday lunchtime the sun was weak but shining through the trees onto her face as she walked.
A man with five dogs passed her and she once again thought h...
Scrumptious winter delights.
Mother heats up the pot of coffee
While I take out the aromatic gingerbread cookies
The steam releasing such a sweet warm scent.
A scent I had longed all year long
Could I’ve had made gingerbread cookies throughout the year? Yes but, sometimes it’s better to long something so when you finally have it you can truly appreciate it. The coffee intertwines with the aroma o...
I was 14 when that sweet old woman invited me into that shack of hers. I'm aware this already sounds like a dodgy set-up; so imagine how it felt when I discovered this ramshackled ruin to be sat squarely in the middle of the Eden woods . I didn't really have a choice.
I had gotten myself lost; about an hour ago I went exploring and in my own adventurous frenzy I had found myself in the swirling t...