The Red Strings Obsession

The day was warm, the sun shining brightly, the sound of laughter filled the air, the sound of footsteps echoing through the house as she stood in the doorway shocked. She had begged and cried. Pleaded and bargened. It wasn't enough. Men in uniform wandering to their houses hugging their families. Her children run around and play in the field. “You need to tell them. You need to tell them how you failed” her mind screams but she remained silent as she stared at the ground. “This was never meant to happen.” she tells herself “you could have stopped him. You could have done more. It's all your fault.” the voices scream refusing to quiet down. The sun shines down attempting to warm her icy body. A world wind of thoughts and sensations shoots through her as the voices refuse to calm. The sound of joyous music fills the streets, the lights flickering on and off still standing there in that same spot. “You could have taken his place.” the voice taunts over and over again a siren in her head that refuses to stop. Bloodied roses resting on the cold ground she blinks. Right. He died. How long has it been? She couldn't remember. Her hand tightens around the rose's thorns. It was his favorite flower. The stem winding around her neck makes a gorgeous necklace. “Till death do us part.” but even death can't stop obsession. She laid down next to him the rose necklace adorning her body in the same crimson red that he had been dressed in when he was brought back to her loving arms. That night she was able to sleep peacefully. “No one can separate us.” she whispered as the red string wrapped around them sealing them together for all eternity.

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