Playing Outside

Roes are red

Violets are blue

That’s the only rhyme

Us in the third grade knew

Our teacher said

To write a poem

That we’ll present on Friday

And then go home

I’m excited for home

Because I’m sick of school

Math is tough

And multiplication is too new

When I’m home from school

I’ll eat a snack

Because the food at school

Is just disgusting, which nothing rhymes with

But after I eat

I’ll go outside

And knock on my friends doors

They’ll seek, and I’ll hide

Then we’ll play tag

But make it more fun

Because I’ll be a cop

And they’re robbers on the run

And if we get tired

We’ll find some chalk

And draw a big house

To play family and talk

Then we might be superheroes

Going to high school

Because we all want fun powers

And big kids are cool

But then after that

It’ll start to get dark

And our parents will call

For dinner to start

But we’ll still beg

For just five more minutes

Which they’ll grant us

As we start to here the crickets

So we’ll play a sport

In the fading light

And when we finally go in

We’ll try not to fight

With our parents

Because we want more time

Out in to sun

Playing with friends

And having lots of fun

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