You can feel someone watching you, but you can't see them anywhere.

Describe this feeling in less than 500 words, using vivid and visceral language to make your reader connect with the character being watched.

very unfinished help

step, step, further into the abyss. the blotched, dark area void of light that was meant to be… anything but this. there was something i knew this endless expanse to be before. i'm sure of it.

step, step, yet it never seemed to end. looking back, losing sight of where i once was. the normalcy of it all mere minutes ago lost.

step, step, in search of a sign, a voice, anything to guide me back to life. in the back of my mind i knew there was something more specific i was looking for, yet i couldn't parse just what.

step, step, as the strings tugged me along, an all too familiar sensation.

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