Start a poem with an onomatopoeia and end it with a different one.

An onomatopoeia is a word that mimics the sound of something such as bark, boom, or screech. These sounds can tell a story if used effectively!

Sounds Of Today

Splat. The bacon hits the bottom of the pan and I watch it-

Sizzle. I wonder, as I sit, one last time, at my table why my thoughts must move as fast as the bees-

Buzz. An overwhelming serenity cascades upon me as I approach my window and on the floorboards, my boots-

Bang. Deep breaths are my last companion as my hands brush the locks and pushes the clasp open with a-

Click. The cool ledge meets my rising feet and the wild wind calls my name in a-

Whisper. Billowing breezes truly feel like freedom as my gown flows and pulls me down, down into the night’s-

Moans. Air has never tasted fresher and the lands never more beautiful as my body hits the ground with a-

