Write a story with an unexpected twist.
Consider the length of your story. It does not need to reach the max word limit to include a twist. One sentence can be enough. Consider, too, that a twist is not always a revelation, but can be subtle.
My One
I don’t think I have it in me anymore
The patience that made me, me
Was the same patience
The same understanding
That made me weak
That made me a fool
And I pity myself for trusting
For believing in you
Because you did what you do
You came and went
Like the breeze
But not before you knocked the wind out of me
And brought me down to my knees
Because you see sorry is just a word
When you repeat the same things
Tell I mean so much
But you SHOW me
How I’m nothing
And I don’t know who played me worse
You or me
Because I LET you treat me as if I deserved everything that happened
Let you throw me away to return
When you wanted
Opened myself completely
Because your words and the idea of you was so pretty
It truly boarded insanity
Because I am more messed up now
Then I was before
Have extra doubts
Because I know what it truly means
To say forever
To chain one’s soul to another indefinitely
You only know how to break your promises
And sever the links
To tell me I have pull and power
But show me I really have none
And it sucks
Because no one will ever measure up
When you were my one