“Did you ever mean it?”

“Once, yes. But only once.”

Write a short story that contains this dialogue.

I Promise (part 3/3)

(Finally I found a prompt that fits this story lol)

I hold my hand over the door, about to knock, but I pause. All I want to do right now is see Arizona’s face, and make sure she’s ok. Still, I hesitate.

What if she doesn’t remember me?

What if dad moved away and brought her with him?

What if dad answers the door?

And finally, the most terrifying one, what if she hates me for leaving her?

Just knock! I keep telling myself, but I keep not being able to do it. Maybe I should just leave and forget about my old life. But I can’t, even if I want to.

Ari is a part of me, like it or not. I can’t just leave her here.

So I hold my breath, bring my shaking fist up to the door, and knock.

Someone answers the door. A girl with short hair, green eyes, and an unreadable expression. “Yes?” She says. But then her eyes meet mine, and they widen. “R-Rosa? Is that you?” She whispers, so quiet that I can barely hear her.


Ari looks at me in confusion, anger, and sadness. She starts talking quickly, like she’s trying not to cry. “You know I kept thinking that I hated you but now that you’re here, and when Levi died I kept saying I hated you so much, I realize now that I missed you so much. I can’t believe you’re here.”

I realize I’m still holding my breath, but I can’t let it out until I know one thing. “Did you ever mean it?” I ask quietly.

She looks at me sadly, “Once, yes. But only once.”

Letting my breath out, I say, “I’m so so so sorry for leaving you, I thought of you every day and I missed you every second.” She hugs me, and I hug her, and we hold on to each other tightly, like if one of us let’s go the other will disappear and be just a dream.

“I missed you too.”

I start to feel tears running down my cheeks, and I hear her crying too. What now? I wonder, but now that me and Ari are back together I know that we’ll be ok. “Everything will be ok now.”

I don’t think we both entirely agree, but now is not the time to worry about that.

“You promise?”

“I promise.”

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