Choose an inanimate object. Describe it to your readers as though it is a living being.
Consider the progression of this story, and whether you will reveal to your readers the true nature of the item you chose. Build suspense and curiosity.
Rinse Cycle
My washing machine, turns round and round
Attempting to cleanse my dirty deeds
It’s washed this load before, to contain the secret
And keep it safe from thieves
It’s tireless in its quest, to make these tattered clothes
Pristine and with no stains
Trying all the angles, bleaching imperfection away until
No sign of it remains
It’s relentless because, I can’t bear the idea that
My pure colors won’t come back
So it tries and tries, frantically fixated
On new strategies to attack
So the machine swirls and hums, in desperate hope
That this blood and dirt won’t leave a stain
But the truth is some mistakes, don’t come out in the wash
Especially those infused with pain