Inspired by Kail Cleo

Create a story by writing multiple diary entries from your character (or multiple characters intertwined).

Try to make each entry build from the last to add to the storyline. If you switch perspective, make it clear that it's someone else's journal.

Even Change Changes.

1 - 20 - 24

Dear Diary,

Today was great! I got an A on a test,

scored 3 goals in P.E

(Of course Simona scored the rest)

And had a wonderful dinner!

My mood today has been so happy,

With no **change **whatsoever.

I hope it stays that way!

2 - 2 -24

Dear Diary,

Today was okay. I got a B on a test,

scored a goal in P.E

(And Simona scored the rest,)

But someone also called me depressed.

Is it because of the clothes I wear?

The way I act?

I should **change**.

2 - 31 - 24

Dear Diary,

Today sucked. I bombed a test with Mrs Lizz,

got hit in P.E

(By Simona, who hates me because

I called her ugly even though she is, that bitch)

And someone actually pinned me down

In the hallway, so now I have

An ugly bruise on my face.

I’ve been wearing my signature frown lately,

And Mom says I should try to

**Change** that to a smile.

I said no.

3 - 9 - 24

Dear Diary,

Diaries are childish.

My body is **changing,**


And so is my brain.

I think diaries

Are for challenged people.

I am not challenged.

It doesn’t matter anyway.

Nobody cares.

Nobody cares if I have cuts on my arms

Nobody cares if I have finger bruises on my neck.

I’ve **changed,**


But nobody cares.

4 - 1 - 24

I’m committing tonight.

I’ve **changed** my mind.

Life is not worth living.

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