by Lori Ayre @ Unsplash

You take a breath, steady your nerves, and head for the door at the end of the corridor.

Don’t Be Unfaithful

What is death like? The door at the end of the corridor will have the answer to my question. Some people who have opened the door before me were said to have been stabbed to death, others were rumored to have been sucked through the doorway and into an oblivion. All I can say with absolute certainty is that I am going to die today.

I take a deep breath and grab Kevin’s hand. Looking over at him, I watched him gulp with anticipation. I pull on his beard and his face turns to me. “Hey…shhhh. We knew this was coming, baby.” Cupping his face in my hands, I kissed him like never before. Then, I let him go. It’s time to take the walk.

I tread lightly as if the floor is made of ice. Kevin lets out a wail behind me, I briefly look back and see that he’s collapsed onto his knees. I know he’d be taking my place if I’d let him. 5 years together wasn’t long enough. I expected an eternity. He is my soulmate after all…if those are real. But, fuck, I can’t let Kevin’s turmoil cloud my mind. I stole him. I’m paying the price for our love.

I take a deep breath and continue my walk, one step after the other. Who knows what the doors on the way to my door are holding. Behind some doors, I hear women having orgasms, other doors people are screaming in pain, but the most interesting doors are the ones I hear laughter from. Perhaps, there is some happiness in this God forsaken shit hole.

I stop by one door which seems to have people in the room cackling and listening to The Beatles. “Come together, Right now over me!” That tune plays, and even on the way to my death, I can’t help but smile. “Why can’t I just try this door? Is love so wrong?”

I’m started out my own thoughts by a shove. “Sandra, what are you doing?” I look to see that Kevin has came down the hall to follow me into my journey. “If you don’t go to the fucking door you were assigned to, they’ll take our children as promised!” He snaps, tear faced and frightened looking.

“Kevin, you weren’t supposed to follow me! I’m the one who sold myself to be with you. You have to raise the kids!” I begged. “They’ll be fine with my mom, I’m a shit parent without you babes.” We look at each other and nod in agreement. There’s no time to argue. We grabbed each other’s hand and continued down the never ending hall. We heard the sounds from behind the closed doors we passed. Moans of pleasure, cackles, screams, coos of babies. But what went on with others didn’t amount to a dime. We were together for just a short time longer. This walk felt intimate and it was something we couldn’t take for granted.

Here it is. THE door. Trembling, I hide my face in Kevin’s chest. “I can’t Kev! We can just hide the kids. Leave town—we could…” but my pleas are cut short when the door flies open and 2 big ugly hands grab us by our shirts and pull us in.

Submerged in darkness, I cannot see. I no longer feel the familiar presence of my husband. I open my mouth to scream but there is no sound. I want Kevin. I want to call for help, but this place is punishing me for my pleas. All of the sudden I can’t breathe. It’s pitch black and water begins to fill my lungs. In fact, now I’m submerged in water. My eyes burn as I open them to seek out any kind light. I can taste salt. “SALT WATER.” My mind screams.

My pleas are finally answered. A light comes on blinding me with its intensity. As I start to swim up to the surface I feel something bump into me but I am too disoriented to know what it is. With my head above water, I have no doubt I am lucky to be alive. I wipe my eyes and give a small smile. “I survived death! Fuck yeah!” I thought.

Regaining my wits, I look around I see glass walls on all sides. Pale people are watching on the other side of the glass with hungry smiles. Many of them holding up signs that say “Cheater”, “Whore.” Or “eat the whore.” Startled by such cruelty, I look around for a way out. I see faces cackling on the other side of the glass, and to the left of me..Kevin’s lifeless body, floating face down. I screamed until I was out of breath. My body became tired of being in water but there was no way out of this tank.

From behind me, I hear a hiss and the crowd roars with excitement. Wide eyed in horror and breathless, I turned around and became faced with my death. There it was. A salt water crocodile, laying on the small island like piece of land in the exhibit. Above the gigantic, scaled beast was a sign seemingly written in sloppy crimson blood..”Whores Feed Crocodiles” I looked down. The crocodile went to the edge of the island and dived into the water. The crowd beat against the glass and roared, as if enjoying the hunt.

“Please take Kevin First! He’s dead anyway!” I screamed.

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