Submitted by Mel Davies

Write a fictional story or poem that revolves around the question: are we truly unique, or are we mosaics of every person we’ve ever known?

The same or similar?

cold days.

time feels fast, yet slow.

people seem to slowly change.

i’ve started realizing the small changes, or maybe changes that have always existed yet i’ve never found them so somehow strange.

everyone seems to have become monotonous.

my neighbor Anna, with her strawberry blonde curls and big blue eyes, her unique sense of humor and patience is slowly turning into something i’ve never seen from her.

she’s very quiet now, like the rest of everyone.

my sister, who’s always been very outgoing and uproarious.

now seems to be almost silent, mundane too. only speaks when asked a question.

she sits alone and will almost be lost in her thoughts, swallowed up by this void of consciousness that is overtaking everyone’s uniqueness.

my dad, he seems to have became less aware of his presence and surroundings.

he’s always been creative, fun, full of the life he is living in. but now he stays silent, his words an empty estimated echoe i long for.

i’ve noticed many people turn to this silence, they aren’t innocuous. but, it feels as if i’m just surrounded by the same person.

and soon, i may become this shadow as they are.

one person, yet, many.

slowly, morfing into the same loss of personality, and dissimulation.

are we all becoming the same, or are we similar?

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