Inspired by Ilya B

Detail a scene where an elaborate marriage proposal is not going to plan, from bad timings to unbelievable coincidences.

Love Unhinged

It’s a shame how it happened, I don’t think I’ll ever forgive him, I don’t think I ever could.

How could he?! He knew how much I loved you, but couldn’t handle the terms of our relationship. My best friend, right?

Five years on and you’re still gone, but it feels like you’re here. I still feel you in everything from repotting our cherry blossom bonsai bushes to listening to our favorite song.

You remember right? The one about the River Styx...

I feel you all around. I need to move on, but, I can’t, we were so perfect together.

How could you leave me, why did he take you!?My best friend right!?

I can’t forget that night at the pier. He even helped me set it all up. That sick bastard!

I recall vividly the pungent anxiety that dripped from skin. The wobble in my stride,the tremble in my voice. All the sneaking around behind your back to send invitations, all the well wishes, and hopeful plans for our future.

We were supposed to be together forever, but he so gleefully took you away from me. My best friend right!!? At least that’s what I told you...

It was my selfishness that drove you away, away, forever.

I’ll never forgive him, and I’ll never forgive myself for not believing him. For not believing how much he loved me.

I’m sorry Sally, may you Rest In Peace, until we meet again.

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