Your protagonist finds out they're going to be a parent...

You can choose any type of character you like, but focus on their reaction and thoughts, and how they might go through a range of emotions.

fears (hp3)

(I 💃🏻 AM BACK 💃🏻 ON 💃🏻 MY BULLSHIT 💃🏻🕺🏻🪩)

The portal appears in their suite right on time: a crackling blue circle floating in front of them.

The returning newlyweds hoist their luggage into their arms and step through the portal, returning to the subways of New York City in seconds.

Instantly, they’re swarmed by family members, hugging them and pestering them with questions.

“Didja miss us?”

“Hope you had plenty of fun, you two- ow! What was that for?”


Chell stays quiet, though, and uncharacteristically so. She catches Bobbi’s eye easily and nods to her own bedroom.

Bobbi slips quietly away from the mass of mutants (and three humans) still chattering away with Raph, making her way to her older sister’s room.

As soon as she gets near the door, Chell yanks her inside and shuts the door.

“So?” Chell demands, circling around Bobbi like a vulture, eyes fixed on her younger sister’s stomach.

Bobbi lets out an exasperated sigh, rolling her eyes at Chell. “Yeah.”

“OH MY GOD,” Chell squeals, trapping Bobbi in a bear hug and bouncing in place.

“Calm down, Chell, you’re gonna bring the whole place down on us,” Bobbi teases, unable to stop herself from laughing.

“Ohhhh, Briar will be so excited to have a baby cousin! When are you going to tell everyone, luv?” Chell’s smile lights up the whole room, but Bobbi’s demeanor is notably less cheery.

“I don’t know, exactly… It’s a pretty big thing…” The tortoiseshell seems to shrink in on herself, averting her gaze.

“Of course it is. I know, I’ve done it myself,” Chell teases, looping an arm around Bobbi’s shoulders. “Pushed seven pounds of screaming mutant baby out of a *veeeeery* small hole. Worth it in the end, but damn was it hard.”

“That’s not what I mean and you know it, Chell.”

“I know. So talk it out. What’s buzzing around in that brain of yours?” Chell pokes Bobbi’s forehead, drawing a hesitant giggle from the younger of the two.

“…I’m scared, Chell. So many things could go wrong. I could get sick, I could get hurt, I could lose—“ She falters, unable to say it aloud. Already she’s become attached to the life slowly but surely growing inside her.

“But you won’t,” Chell replies simply.

“How can you possibly know that?” Her voice is soft, hoarse. Scared.

“I can’t. But call it a gut feeling. You’ll be alright, both of you.”

“I hope you’re right,” Bobbi whispers, feeling tears well in her eyes.

Chell gives her sister a gentle smile, pulling her in for a hug. “I always am.”

Bobbi takes a deep breath, collecting herself as well as she can, then gets up and heads out of Donnie and Chell’s room, trying not to show any hint of the emotions still cascading through her body and mind.

Who else would run into her, though, than the one person who can see straight through her hastily constructed wall: Raph.

“Hey, Bobbi, you disappeared on me,” he grins, then seems to notice the wetness in her eyes and the lines around her mouth that betray her fragile state of mind. “Bobbi? Are you okay?”

For whatever reason, that one simple question breaks down the dam and she bursts into tears. Raph’s face shifts to an expression of concern, and he tugs her into his arms and carries her to their bedroom, settling on the bed and rocking her gently.

“What’s wrong?” Raph asks after she’s managed to calm down mostly.

Through bursts of odd, hiccupy crying, she forces out: “Scared, don’t— don’t wanna lose my— our—“

Raph’s heart breaks a little bit when she can’t even finish her sentence, breaking down again into helpless sobs. He tucks her head under his chin and runs one hand through her hair, letting her cry it out.

“I know you’re scared, sweetheart,” he rumbles when she’s a bit calmer. “Hell, so am I. Anything could happen, ‘specially this early on. And on top of that, I worry ‘cause Dad wasn’t always… wasn’t always the best at parenting, even though I know he tried. And I’m scared of being like that, too.”

Bobbi sniffles. “You’re not like your dad, though,” she mumbles, tilting her head back to look up at him.

“That don’t stop me from worryin’.”

She’s quiet for a moment, long enough for her breathing to even out. She tucks her head back under his chin and pulls his hand onto her lap, tracing shapes on his massive palm. Though she may never admit it aloud, she likes feeling small, safe in his arms.

“Just…promise me you’ll be there. Even if I say things I don’t mean. Even if I take you for granted.”

Raph chuckles, the sound reverberating through Bobbi’s whole body. He holds up her hand in his, tapping her ring finger and the simple rose gold band that sits there, pale against her milk chocolate skin. “This means forever, sweetheart. I’m with you forever, through anything life throws at us.”

“Okay,” she whispers, and he rests his hand on her stomach. “Okay.”

“Love you.”

“Love you too, Red.”


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