In a story of only 300 words, write a scene where your protagonist must confront someone they've been upset with for a while.

How can you maximise the impact of this scene in such a short space?

Who Are You?

I followed Ailith into the old, abandoned inn. She walked-no, _floated _into the dark, dank room with her graceful frame and jet black hair. Her footsteps were soundless-even with her black stilettos. I myself was wearing fluffy coquette boots and still had trouble muffling my footsteps. Ailith was strange. With her piercing, seemingly unblinking eyes, and her red mouth which was always locked shut, Ailith was like no girl I have ever seen. Her chest, never rising, nor falling, her gaze, which she held above everything else, and her milky, alabaster skin. My hands were slick with sweat, and my gut was twisting in that sickening way, when you have a revelation but need time to stop and think about it. But I couldn’t do that. Ailith was moving too fast and I couldn’t keep up with my padded boots and poofy, frilly dress. Ah, yes. The juxtaposition between me and Ailith was too cliché. But I continued to follow her, as I felt drawn to her in an interesting way. Trailing behind her for a few minutes, Ailith suddenly stopped.

"Interesting how some people can think it’s fine to _follow_ someone,” said a voice. With a held in gasp, I realised it was Ailith’s. I had never heard her voice before, she never spoke. But this time was different. Her voice was musical and smooth like a wisp of wind. I had never been afraid of Ailith. But now, with her back turned, and her voice steely and firm, I began to shake uncontrollably.

Ailith slowly turned her head. Her eyes were now glowing red, mouth twisted into a devilish smile.

I couldn’t even scream.

This is my first time writing something like this, do you guys like it?

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