Your protagonist is a thief sneaking out of a high-security facility.

Detail a tense scene where they almost get caught.

When’s The Next One

As Jerald turned the corner he could hear the walkie-talkie voices that came from the guards behind him. He had to keep going. They had not been alerted yet but if he stopped going, the guards on patrol would catch him.

He had already dodged a few soldiers, almost being caught by them. He ran on his toes and keep wary of every sound. He heard nothing for now except for his silent footsteps.

Suddenly a huge blaring noise came from the speakers anouncing that he had stolen the chalisman. _Shit_. He saw a group of soldiers run by and he ducked into a room. He looked out the window, seeing no one, he turned around and faced another group of soldiers staring at him surprised.

“Umm, hi guys!! Have you heard whats happening!?” He said smiling with his hand rubbing the back of his head.

“Yeah. We did.” With that they attacked him. He ducked a punch, opened his hand and jabbed at the bottom of the first soldiers neck. It hit and the man went down gasping for air. The others saw this and attacked more furiously. One by one he disbanded them, hitting pressure points, making them either unconscious or temporarily paralyzed.

He ducked out the room and ran away. Turning corners, hiding from soldiers, and ducking into rooms. Three times he had to face a group of lousy soldiers in a room. THREE TIMES! After fifteen minutes he ran through the exit and made it to the gate. He looked back to the building and made a gesture signifying that they were losers.

“Hasta la vista!” He said. He walked to his car and escaped unscathed. Laughing to himself how close he had been to being caught.

“Well, that was fun, muy divertido! When’s the next one.”

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