A casual post on social media goes viral, leading to unintended consequences...
How does the character respond to what happens, and how do they feel about it?
It wasn't meant to end like this...
It was supposed to be a casual post on a normal Saturday day, but what everyone came to realize, was that there was someone or something in the background of this picture. Aji's picture.
After she posted it, comments started coming in, asking her if she knew what or who was in the background. Aji had responded in confusion and said 'no' to all of them.
Then she decided to look closer at her picture. And she saw what everyone else was seeing, something in the background, with blood running down its face and white blank eyes. It was standing right behind Aji and looking like it was going to attack.
Suddenly, a silent screaming came from behind her. Aji looked up slowly and gulped. She slowly turned around and looked up. The blood and eyes stared down at her. She screamed and began backing away. It followed her. She grabbed a broom and held it up at it. When it got too close, she smacked its head. It groaned in pain and lifted its hands to place them on its head. Aji watched in horror as it takes it's head off, revealing brown hair.
"What did you do that for?" The guy behind the mask asked.
"You're in my house and you fucking scared me, Ken!" Aji growled.
"Good point. I guess I deserved it." He shrugged.
"Yeah, you fucking did! And you deserve more!" Aji proceeds to beat Ken with the broom until he exits the house.