My Father

Me a nurse see things most won’t

112420 a man was brought in by his mother

She found him dead in his bed room with needles hanging from his arm

as the blood dripped out

from the holes in his arm

The blood curteraling screams began

but her efforts to save her son

had nothing to the 15 minutes with no air to his brain

At least he didn’t die in any pain

I thought

He was rushed into my wing of the hospital

I started chest compressions








As I was putting tubs in his body I was to see his mother be pushed out of the room screaming

The blood curdling screams

As the tubs I had wired through his organs

Hooked to a machine kept him breathing

A heart beat popped up on the monitor

He was in a coma

I brought his mother in the room

Then the screams

The blood curdling screams

She never left his bed side

Night came

Morning came


As I was bathing his limp body

I over hear his mother specking to his kids

She had looked at me

with her eyes full of pain

“If I put the phone to his ear will he be able to hear?”

She asked me with her eyes full of pain

I said

“I’m sorry mam I have no idea if his brain is functioning yet”

Those eyes she looked at me

and said

“it’s my grand kids they want to talk to him”

I took the phone Held it to his ear

A young girls voice from the phone said

“Hey dad I love you and miss you I promise you everything is going to be okay if you can hear me I will see you soon”

she sounded so sure of herself

Then a young man’s voice much less sure then the girls

breaking as he spoke

“dad I love you” he said

as if it was the last time he will say it

I handed the phone back to the mother

with her eyes filled with pain

Ad her son that was laying sleeplessly next to her

and that’s when I hear the story of how Ian overdosed

on his daughters 13th birthday

It was breaking my heart

as I heard his mother retell the story to his daughter

she hung up the phone

Then the screams

The blood curdling screams

Over never heard this grate deal of pain come from someone’s through

Then Ian got called into the other room for X-rays

I told the mother her son will be back in no time

I came back into the room as I hear the doctor tell his mother “he is unresponsive there for there is no chance of bringing him back”

Then the screaming

Then blood curdling screams

Like the blood that dripped from the needs in his arm

like the blood that dripped from his daughters arm as she blamed herself or his death

like the blood curdling screams his daughter and mother shared every day for the loss of her father

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