Moments Like rain

The moments fall all around us

Crashing down like rain onto the pavement

It’s your job to catch them before they’re gone

The congeal onto puddles on the ground

Mixing up

Stirring around with each other

Making each puddle unique

No one drop is like the other

No matter how similar they look

The moments can pile up until you are drowning in them

Learn to swim

To tread water

Just don’t drown in the moments

Keep swimming towards the shore

To create new ones

Opportunities overrun by emotion

Letting go of the past

Allowing the future to take hold

Momentarily lapses

Lead to permanent collapses

Wield the memories to make them work together

We like in the grass

Listening to our thoughts spiral

Like a runaway train

This is what life feels like

Permanent rebellion

The loss of control

Controlled chaos

The living contradiction

Work on it

And time will tell

It’s just an infection

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