Submitted by an anonymous user
"I saw the whole thing"...
Write a story that opens or concludes with this line.
Mental Problems
I saw the whole thing. I saw her jump off of that twenty story building. I saw her plummet and hit the ground. I saw the blood splatter and heard her bones crack. I heard the screams and cries from the people on the streets and her mother sobbing from the balcony. I saw the red and blue flashing lights and heard the loud sirens throughout the city. I saw everything. I saw the tears, the sobbing, and the grieving. Her beautiful expression taken over by the blood and wounds.
“Why would she do it?” I asked myself once I had made my way home. I felt shaky and anxious about the matter. Why, why, why? What made her want to commit suicide? Was her life really that bad? I sat down on my couch and reached for the remote. As the news turned on a slight knock was sounding from the door. At first I didn’t hear it but eventually the sound grew louder and louder. I finally groaned and stood up to peep through the peephole. I saw nobody and perplexed, I opened the door to look around. No one was waiting there. I stepped out to see if anyone was down the street. No body. As I turned back around to enter the house a girl was standing there. I flinched, scared to death.
“Oh my God,” I exclaimed with fright. I took a few deep breaths. “Who are yo-“ I observed her good and well. “You’re the girl, that, um, who jumped off the building.” I pointed at her my finger shaking with fear. What in the world? How is she alive?
“Yeah, what about it?” She responded without a care in the world.
“Do you not understand?” I questioned. “You jumped, off, of a building. Everyone thinks you’re dead! I saw you lying there on the ground!” I exclaimed.
“Well, I’m not dead am I,”she replied calmly. I just blanked out staring at her in complete disbelief. “I’m more alive than ever since I got out of that tombstone.” She smiled at me.
“What?” I questioned. “Huh?”
“Don’t worry about it,” she responded. “I’m just a figment of your imagination. Just a thought.” I pushed her aside and sat back down on the couch. I closed my eyes to be rid of the nonsense. Whispers sounded inside my head and images made clear of my mind. Her fall replaying in my mind and each time becoming more real and real. Was I there again, just watching her fall? The more I looked closely at the scene the more it morphed. My whole body buzzed. What was happening to me? Wait, I know what’s happening! I’m going crazy! You know life has a way of making you insane. It hit me real hard I guess.