The Shed

“Hey… what’s that in the corner?” Heneri asked me, smirking with that goofy look on her face. I glanced over towards the offending corner, but immediately turned my gaze back to her, knowing, by all the fates, what would follow.

“Ha! Got you!” She laughed, as my eyes disappeared upwards in the freaky way I often did.

“You’re SO funny,” I countered, voice light with humor.

It was nice to be away from my parents for a change, helicoptering as they were. If they knew where I was, who I was with, I would never see the previous light of a star again. Hen gave me a light peck on the cheek, her lips soft as moth wings, barely there. She was worth every rule break.

“Wait… I’m serious this time, what is that?” She pointed in a different direction, but I was definitely not falling for it this time. It’s not like there’s much room for anything else to be here anyways. To anyone but us, it’s just an old, decaying tool shed miraculously still standing on a property long knocked down and overtaken by wilderness. Not to mention, “an absolute hazard, probably filled with all kinds of rusted nails and saw blades… spiders… AND snakes,” according to my mother.

Hen glared at my how-gullible-do-you-think-I-am look. The next thing I knew, she was yanking my arm and dragging me where she wanted. _Dang, she’s strong! _But_ _alas, behind the corrugated panel of metal there was something perhaps a bit out of the ordinary.

“See, I told you, something’s there,” her voice returned to its husky normal, serious now. I slipped my hand into hers.

“Well I guess we should find out, now shouldn’t we,” I responded unsurely, not wanting to seem weak or scared, for the both of our sakes. I gently lifted the metal, it creaking as I did so. Behind it laid a locked silver briefcase with an unmistakeable green corner peeking out from inside. It was clearly full of cash. We exchanged glances, our eyes wide, but then the door to the shed swung off its hinges. A silhouette appeared and then everything went black.

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