Writing Prompt
Submitted by Amelia Vanderwalt
A group of teenagers stumble upon something they shouldn't have...
Continue the story...
it is a buried hole with a staircase leading down the brown dirt. they stare at eachother wondering if they should or shouldnt. so Lily goes down first without any word. steven asks, “um what are you doing?” “do you realize what your putting yourself into? have you WATCHED horror movies?” lily scoffs and laughs and heads down anyway. they all follow her down because they don’t wanna leave her stranded into god knows what.
Abandoned Trap
Kids were having fun, didn’t they?
Well, finally some guests visited. I haven’t had them for a long long time. Of course, they are interested in the treasure I specifically prepared for such situations for them to trap into. Sure, if they were a bit less suspicious and curious, it would save them from me, but… who cares if they are already found their faith?
Encounter Mess
The cars drive fast, the wind blows all the tree’s leaves all up. Gian and his friends walk there way to school chatting and laughing as the time runs. Suddenly they see a book on the floor. Gian takes it and as he looks at it one of his friends says his name.
Gian hears Curtis’ trembled voice and looks up to him. Then he turns around and sees Bryce, a 17 yr old guy, the typical problematic bully.
Bryce:”Well, well, well, if it’s the scumbag with his friends. Give me that, it’s mine!”
Bryce takes away his book from Gian’s hands
Gian:”I’m sorry”
Bryce:”You touch my stuff again and I throw you in the trash can”
Gian opens his eyes as Bryce keeps intimidating as the bell rings. Gian looses his temper and punches him, the others tremble scared.
Bryce touches his lips looking Gian in a furious glance.
The Barn
A group of teenagers stumble upon something they shouldn’t have as they swung the old barn wooden door open they gasp, Tommy looks at James, Edward and Colin “Umm guys what is that?” Tommy says with anxiety in his voice. James and Edward look at each other before running leaving Tommy behind. Tommy starts to run but falls into a pot hole while James and Edward stop running to see that Tommy was in fact not following them “we have to go back for Tommy, we can’t leave without him” exclaimed Edward. Edward and James find Tommy on the ground unable to move “We are here we are going to help you, just hold onto us” Edward swiftly says while Edward and James pick up Tommy off the floor and help him back to the car.
The Murder At Midnight
The jaw dropped open and hit the floor with a thud. We stared in horror as we watched the bloood slowly pour out of her arm. Everyone stood around Charley as he lay dead on the grass. All we wanted was to play midnight games of sports. We never intended for this to happen. But there was one strange thing. There was no one else around when he had lost his life. More blood spilled out. It was only us in this grassy, green field that was now dyed with red. The street lights flickered and we looked over in fear. Samantha was still crying on the grass next to Charles. Her pink skirt was covered in crimson red. Derek seemed emotionless but his eyes said it all. He was worried, scared, and frightened of these outcomes. I was scared too. Scared that they would all find out my secret…
Cora was the kind of girl who didn’t get along with others. She was home schooled, and liked it that way. She was able to see others in her town through different eyes. She was able to see their mediocrity and ease to appease others. Cora was alright with her mundane routine. She didn’t think about boys, or makeup or whatever girls her age should be thinking about. Her mother always prided herself on her poise and polite daughter. Her Cora wouldn’t hurt a fly. Cora’s father would say she was quiet. She didn’t say or do much except for what she was told, and he was alright with that. Her parents never really pushed her to do more, or less thus Cora was just Cora. Plain, normal, boring Cora. But, late one summer night while her parents were on a trip into town, a group of kids came knocking on her door. These kids lived in houses just down the road from hers, and she always made a point to avoid them, and they always avoided her. So it was very alarming to Cora when Rebecca Reilander, and some of her friends from around town, showed up to her doorstep covered in blood. Cora was stunned and wanted to immediately shut the door and call the cops. But something stopped her, and before she could make a move or say anything Rebecca and her group of friends charged in and slammed the door. Rebecca proceeded to close all the blinds and lock the door behind Cora. Cora was in shock and her eyes were wide and body cold with terror. She had so many questions but how was she going to ask them? Surely her parents would be back and she would get some help. After eveyone settled down on the floor and caught their breaths they all looked at Cora. Cora, still trying to process what just happened, didn’t make eye contact with any of them. Instead she just stared at her floor like she was a child in trouble. Finally Rebecca starts to speak, her voice raspy and you could tell she was out of breath. “We’re sorry to just come in, I mean I’ve seen you hanging around before so you’re not like… a total stranger… but we needed somewhere to come quick. This was closest. We live just down the road a ways and we’ll get going soon.” Rebecca looks at the person seated next to her, looking at them, to help her find her words. “Listen, you can’t tell anyone alright? Where’s your family? When will they be back?” Cora, still processing the situation manages to mutter out a tiny “in town” barely audible that only the person next to her could hear. They say “Great, we ended up at the weirdest house on the block…” Rebecca interrupts “CLAYTON!” As the person next to her mumbles “it can’t be as wierd as what we seen” He catches himself before he says more and notices Cora’s eyes land on him. She had heard what he said, and was now intrigued. Rebecca shot him a look “when will they be coming back?” He asks, contemplating what he can say. Cora lies, “a couple hours, they’re out for dinner” and she shifts uncomfortable on her feet. Rebecca sighs, as if she knows Cora isn’t telling the truth and says “we should just leave now, we shouldn’t have come in the first place, we don’t need another person involved”. the man next to her nods, “it’s too late, she let us in. She’s got to know now, she’s a part of this” The man next to Cora winces, and Cora notices small scratches on his hands and dirt beneath his nails. Cora looks around, and notices dirt beneath everyone’s nails. Cora feels a chill down her spine. The man next to her opens his mouth to speak but is cut short by the headlights in the window. Suddenly everyone gets up with wide eyes, panicking. “Do you have a back door?” Rebecca asks and without replying Cora looks towards the kitchen where the back door is. Before she could say anything rebbeca grabs her wrist and runs through the back door, the other three close behind They were running so fast, Cora with no shoes. Beanches from trees slapped her face and sticks snapped underneath her feet. Before she could slow down and catch her breath, or maybe turn back and get some help, there it was. A body. Someone she recognized well. Someone everyone in town would recognize, the Chanel ten news Anchor, Samuel Herman. He was laying against a tree, his eyes were wide open and lifeless, a contrast to the life that were once on them si vibrant on screen. next to him an axe with blood and dirt all over it lay. An obvious crime scene thought Cora, and she was standing with the murderers. They must have sensed her fear because Rebecca grabbed Cora’s shoulder and said “we found him like this, it wasn’t us.”
Stumbling In The Wrong Direction
“It was just for fun,” we all say in different interrogation rooms. We have all planned the same conversation so that the police wouldn’t arrest us, but I’m waiting in an interrogation room for the police officer to ask me questions. I have my head placed on the table where I rest my hands beside it, covering up the mistake I am next about to make. My friends don’t know what I have in store, but it is my duty to protect them so I’m going to lie. The walls are not caving in as I am able to keep myself strong.
Then I move my head up as I hear the door opening to reveal a young police officer. He looks around my age, 20 something but there a few strands of grey in his hair. “Freddie,” he says. “Can you tell me what you and your friends were doing in the warehouse?” I remain silent till he sits in front of me before I fake confess.
“I dragged my friends to the warehouse to find her dead body because I killed her. There is no evidence tying me to it because I got rid of what would be needed, and I didn’t think this moment would have come. I made them tell the same lie to you, that we went to the warehouse for fun since it’s Halloween. But really, I killed her. Take my word for it. Arrest me. Torture me,” I say making direct eye contact with the police officer who smirks to himself.
“Thank you,” he says chuckling, “you’ve made my job easier. Freddie Smith you’re under arrest for the murder of Asha Nolan.”
I knew we shouldn’t have come here but no one listened to me. The blood coating my and splattered on my new pair of white sneakers that I worry will never come out confirm my fear. There is a noise in the distance warning that someone or something is coming and we need to move. Panicking we gather our belongs, making our way back under the hole in the fence making the blood mix with dirt. I don’t think I breathed until we were back at the car, all of us panting while Ryan fumbled with his keys. The silence on the way back to campus was a silent agreement that we were to never speak of this night again.
A Usual Student’s Morning
“It’s cruel summer”, a strange voice screams. “I’m drunk in the back of the car”, the mysterious voice continues. I wonder what comes next. First a cruel summer and then being drunk in a car. “But ooh, whoa-oh”, I hear next. “WAKE FINALLY UP, SMITHS!”, I hear my neighbour’s voice. “AND CHOSE ANOTHER SONG, I CANT HEAR THIS THING ANYMORE!”, my old Neighbour yells from his garden. Now, I am so confused that my eyes finally decide to open themselves and I realise I lie in my bed. It’s a Monday morning. School day. I turn of my alarm clock, a Tailor Swift song, that my mother recommended. _You’ll feel way better in the mornings when you hear such a amazing voice, _she always told me. What ever. It’s not even summer. I open my window to check wether Mr. Williams is still alive, cause I haven’t heard him anymore since he yelled about the song. Instead, my eyes turn towards a blue exercise book that says _Homework. _Shit. Maybe I can quickly write something, so that I can lie _I tried but I didn’t understood the task. “A group of teenager stumble across something they shouldn’t have…continue the story!”, _I read before lying down in my bed and sleep for the rest of the day.
We fell into a forest Where could we be? In the distance was the sea
I turned and saw pure white It was bright Like a light
One started walking She disappeared into the forest Then there was a scream
Another wanted to find her He set off in the same way Only to disappear Just like she
Where have they gone? There was only two of us left
We walked together To where the two disappeared There was nothing
I touched the forest floor And there it was The guardian of the forest
“I am the guardian I am the leader You mustn’t pass Or thee shall be cast”
It looked horrifying Worse than a banshee’s cry
We ran for our lives Then there was the bright White Light
It covered the whole rest of the forest There was nowhere to go Nowhere to see Nowhere to be
And so we walked Into the bright White Light
It was everywhere There was nothingness But us The only thing Was us
Then there was a sound A sound from behind Was it the Ohio Demon? Had he found us?
I looked back And there he was Running towards us Faster than light
There was no escape No chance to escape
Nowhere to go Nowhere to be Nowhere to see
“Mmm delicious morsels!”