God Give Me the Strength

How dare you say you love me,

and turn and walk away

Do you even know what the words mean

Or were they just words to say?

I trusted you with my life

And let the walls down and let you back in

For you to lie and cheat and deceive me

Over and over again.

The pain of losing you, hurt so bad

I almost took my life

Words hurt, actions hurt

And now I’m no longer your wife

You left our family and say you love someone new

It’s hard moving forward

How do I move on?

How do I imagine my life without loving you!

I pray that God gives you peace

I pray all your dreams come true

I pray me and my kids find happiness again

Even if our hearts were broken by you.

I choose to forgive you

So my heart can truly heal

But every time I see,

Anger is all I feel

God give me the strengh

Please help me to move on

Please let me not love this man

Thats done my heart so wrong

Lord let me find peace

Let me find love

So my heart can finally mend

Lord let me forgive this man

But not fall for his lies again.

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