They All Fall in Autumn

As the sun sinks beyond the horizon, so does the last day of summer. A gentle breeze begins to blow, reminding all creatures that autumn has arrived.

The leaves begin to transform as the days shorten; their vibrant greens morphing into dull yellows, reds, and oranges. The world is bathed in a soft citrine light which remains uninvited by most.

Some time later a breeze fills the air, whisking each and every golden leaf carelessly to the ground. It is the season in which leaves of all sizes, shapes, and colors come together to die in unity.

So the leaves stumble into piles and huddle together for warmth. They now accept their destruction but want to be together still -- it can be hard to persist without support of one’s companions.

Another month or so passes and all the leaves are devoid of color. Any prior prejudice has been eradicated by the sudden realization that in the end they all face the same evil: death. So, colorless but closer together than ever before, they degrade, returning to their common ground: Mother Earth.

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