Midnight Stroll pt.3

_Dear favorite stranger,_

_Meet in the library after the Game. I have something for you._

_Yours, Ad_

Ad had left another letter outside my door this morning, and it left me even more crazed then the first. First, he had called me his _favorite _stranger. Did that mean I was, or one of, his favorite people? And then he had said he had something for me, what was it? And lastly, he had signed as _yours, Ad. _That implied that he as mine, but my what? Oh, I was truly delusional to be overthinking a simple letter this much. But I couldn’t help it, I really liked Ad, not just as a friend. And, if Bea’s theory proved true, then he might feel the same about me.

That though made me giddy all the way down to the outer courtyard. Todays Game was warfare, which I definitely wasn’t as confident in as dragon riding. Where as I spent time with our aerial troops, it was my brother who handled the ground ones. So, though I would not completely fail, I definitely wasn’t going to be crowned champion today. Nevertheless, I was determined to do at least decently.

As I entered the courtyard I was immediately greeted by the sound of loud chatter. For this Game we where to pair off into groups of two, which I assumed was what the chatter was about. That, and the fact that the crowd was a lot closer today. I saught out Bea in the stands. I saw her in conversation with a pretty blonde woman. Bea noticed me, and smiled. She mouthed ‘good luck’ to me. I mouthed ‘thanks, who’s the lady?’ back, smiling. Bea grinned. Oh, she’d have to tell me all about her companion tonight over tea.

Next I saught out Ad in the crowded courtyard, but couldn’t find him. Thought a little disappointed, because I had wanted to be in his group, I moved on to finding two others to be grouped with.

Off to the side, in conversation with each other, was a young man and woman. I decided to try for them. “Hello,” I said pleasantly as I walked up. “Lovely day, isn’t it?”

They turned to me, and smiled nicely. They both shared a deep, glowing, dark coffee skin tone and warm, strong eyes. “Yes,” said the woman. She had long, lovely hair trailing down her back in braids, threaded with gold coils and rings.

“You wouldn’t happen to already be grouped, would you?” The man asked. His hair was knotted neatly behind his head.

“No, I don’t.” I answered. “I was hoping you weren’t either?”

They both grinned. They had a similar face shape and attire, so I assumed they were siblings of the same kingdom. “We aren’t. I’m Prince Theodore of Welemen, and this is my sister, Princess Rohesia.”

The woman, who I now knew as Rohesia, smacked her brothers arm. “I can introduce myself, Theodore.” She said, giving him a dirty look. Then she smiled at me. “You can call me Ro.”

I nodded, smiling at her attack on her brother. “I’m Princess Ismae of Milsglade. It’s an honor to meet you.” I bowed my head slightly. Though they seemed friendly, the Prince and Princess of Welemen controlled a powerful, large, southernmost kingdom. So though we weren’t close in proximity, they would be a strong ally and fearsome foe.

They inclined their heads to me. “Congratulations for yesterday. You flew spectacularly.” Theodore said.

I thanked him. “Well, sorry to disappoint, but warfare is really my brother’s specialty, not mine.”

Theodore laughed. “Same here. However Ro is commanding general to our armies, so we should do alright with her.”

Ro smiled, seemingly appreciative to her brothers praise. A horn sounded from the center of the courtyard, getting our attention.

A woman stood on an elevated platform, projecting her voice. “Majesties! Your attention if you will. Todays Game is warfare. Your group of three will be tasked with capturing another groups pole. You will be allowed to move the pole around within your circle, but nowhere else. The first group to capture the other’s pole, on any field, with be crowned the champions. Now, please find your nearest pole station and prepare for the Game!”

I turned back to Theodore and Ro, and we made our way over to the nearest flag, which was just behind us. I looked around. A border of rocks formed a large rectangle around us. A small circle of rocks surrounded the pole at its center. It was a tall pole, a little taller then myself.

I looked over to see what team we where facing, and froze. Across the field, in his own circle, was Ad. He had teamed up with two other men, who looked like close friends of his. Maybe they where from neighboring kingdoms and had grow up close to each other? Ad must’ve sensed my staring, because he looked over at me. I couldn’t see him that well from this distance, but I could’ve sworn something like guilt crossed his face. He looked away quickly, so I did too.

I turned to Ro. “So what’s the plan?”

“I was thinking that you and Theodore could try to capture their pole while I defended ours. It’s not a super complicated play, but it’s a good, standard set one. So you’ll be running with Theodore all across the field, if that’s alright. Once you’re there, one of you distract them while the other goes in for the pole.”

I grinned at that. There where three main categories I excelled in, which where dragon riding, dagger play, and running. Back home I’d run for hours through the mountains.

“Good plan.” Theodore said, and I nodded in agreement.

Three horns sounded, signaling the beginning of the Game. My heart began pounding with both excitement and nerves. The two men Ad was with started running toward us, with Ad staying back. It seemed they had used the same attic as us. We looked over at Ro.

“Wait for my signal, then run.” The men got closer, closer. They where now maybe fifteen feet in front of us, closing in. “Now. Go!”

Theodore and I were off, sprinting for the pole on the others side of the field, guarded by Ad. That somehow filed me to sprint even faster. We closed in on Ad, now only a few feet away.

I lunged for the pole, but missed when Ad jerked it away from me. I lundged again, again, again, but Ad always moved it. I kept this up, hoping I’d get lucky or Theodore could sneak in behind. We kept up in this cycle for what felt like hours, until Theodore lunged in.

However Ad must’ve had extremely keen senses, because he pulled the pole away jsut before Theodore could reach it. We still grabbed at the pole, frustrated by Ad’s inability to give it up. To avoid our advances, Ad began _spinning _the pole above his head. This flustered both Theodore and I, but before we could come up with a new tactic, the horn blew.

Ad’s teammates ran up to him, cheering and holding our pole high. Ad joined them, jumping and celebrating their win. Theodore and I exchanged a disappointed look, then jogged back over to Ro.

She looked ashamed. “I’m so sorry. I should’ve held the pole higher, anticipated their attacks. I-“

Theodore cut her off, holding up a hand. “This isn’t your fault, or anyone’s. They were just a better team then us.”

“Yes,” I agreed, hoping to cheer Ro up a bit. “And we all did great against them.”

Ro nodded, and we all walked over to the center of the courtyard. Ad and his teammates where named champions of the day by the woman with the horn, and the crowds erupted in cheers. I may have even cheered louder than I shoudve, considering I was on the team they had directly beaten. But I was proud of Ad.


Though I had to stop a few servants, for directions, I eventually navigated the massive castle to the library. It was a grand, beautiful room, with a tall domed ceiling and book cases lining the walls all the way up. Mosaic patterns covered the ceiling as the designs circled around a large circlular window in the center of the dome. Study desks where scattered in the center floor neatly, while plush couches and chairs sat before a massive floor-to-ceiling window. On one of these couches sat Ad, staring out the window.

He turned his attention to me as I walked closer, feet clacking against the tiled floor in the silent library. “You came.”

“How could you tell?” I responded sarcastically as I sat down beside him on the couch.

He shook his head. “I didn’t know if you where mad at me after the Game.”

I gave him a puzzled look. “Why would you think that? You did great.”

His blushed slightly, shaking his head. “Sorry, it was stupid. You just make me nervous.” He whispered the last line as my heart skipped a beat. I make him nervous? Oh, if only he knew the frenzy he sent my thoughts and emotions into.

“What’s that?” I asked, nodding to the box he held in his lap. It had intricate patters swirling across it in deep purple patterns, accent in ice blue. Could this be the mysterious item he wanted to give me?

“It’s for you.” He smiled, passing it to me. I removed the lid, then peeled back a velvet cloth.

I gasped. Sitting inside the box was a beautiful dagger in an even more magnificent sheath. Deep purples, ice blues, and glittering gold spiraled across the sheath, encasing gems of ever color. Roses and vines crept along the belt. At the bottom of the hilt sat a large emerald, surrounded by the same swirling patterns and multi-color gemstones climbing up the hilt. I brushed my fingers across it, unsheathing the blade. Sleek silver engraved with vines and roses. It reminded me of the rose Ad had given me that night in the gardens.

“It’s beautiful,” I whispered. Besides riding dragons, dagger play was my favorite activity. “How did you know I enjoy daggers?”

He blushed, which in turn made me blush. “Your hands are calloused in the proper areas to hold a dagger, so I just assumed you enjoyed them.”

“Thank you.” I looked up at him to find him staring down at me. My heart began beating uncontrollably. His deep eyes held, along with their usual warm and kindness, a longing I had never seen before. He brought his brought his hand up and cupped my face. My eyes fell to his lips as I was over come with the urge to kiss him. The next second I was.

Ad brought his lips down on my own, and kissed me. Oh, his lips where so warm and soft as they lovingly brushed mine. I closed my eyes and cupped his face in my hands, brushing my fingers over his smooth bronze skin and fluffy curls of hair. I wanted to live in this moment forever, with him. We might not know each other that much, but maybe Bea was right. Maybe we still knew each other in our souls.

We continued to live in the bliss of our kiss until Ad pulled back. At first I was scared he might regret the kiss until I saw the look in his eyes. He, like me, _definitely _didn’t regret what had just transpired between us.

He looked into my eyes. “Ismae….” He whispered.

“Ad” I whispered back.

A look of guilt crosses his eyes. He tried to hide it, but I saw. “What is it?” I was worried he was about to say something horrible, like he was betrothed to someone.

“I haven’t been completely honest with you.” Oh no, here it was. He couldn’t be with me because he was in love with someone else, I was just a moment of lust for him. “My name isn’t Ad.”

This intrigued me. I listened more intently then before, if that was possible.

“It’s actually Adrien. Of Gathe.” He looked away from me, but I wasn’t surprised.

“Hey, look at me.” He turned toward me hesitantly. “What’s wrong? I don’t see you any differently now that I know your name.”

He looked puzzled. “You don’t seem very surprised?”

I laughed. “Well, you didn’t exactly do a very good job of hiding it. The clues where there, all I had to do was piece them together.”

“So… you’ve known this whole time?” I nodded. He looked relieved. “We’re still good?”

I nodded, laughing a little. He did too. “Yes, Adrien. We’re good.”


I really didn’t have much motivation or inspiration to write this part, especially the Game, so sorry if it’s not as great as the previous ones. I’ll have Bea and Ismae start off the next part with their nightly tea, don’t worry, because there’s definitely _a lot_ for them to talk about. Also, sorry if there’s any spelling or grammar mistakes, I was too tired to edit lol. As always, thank you so much for reading, and I hope you enjoyed!!!❤️❤️❤️

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