Write a story that takes place in a strange city.
It could be an alternate reality, a culture very different from your own, or a fantasy setting.
Strange Town
Violet sits at her breakfast table with a bowl of cereal in front of her, willing herself to eat even though she isn’t hungry. She has work in an hour.
Everything is the same, but different. She can’t quite put her finger on what’s wrong, are the colors too vibrant? Not enough? Is she over reacting? Paranoid? This is her house, her street, her neighborhood, her town, but it’s not. She can’t put into words what is wrong if you asked, she just woke up one morning and everything was different.
The people are the most different. Everyone looks exactly the same, but their behavior is so odd.
“Have things seemed..... weird to you?” She asked a coworker.
A fake smile painted on their face her coworker simply replied “no, everything is perfect.” The look in their eye was the thing that really made her feel like she wasn’t crazy. It was a look of concern mixed with awareness.
She asked several other people, but still, the same answer, the same look in their eyes. Something is very wrong, Violet just can’t figure it out.
As Violet was staring down her bowl of now soggy cereal, as if it would give her answers, she heard a strange noise. She stops and listens. Silence. She could have sworn she heard something. She pretends to go back to her cereal, but continues to listen.
There it is, the noise, and then again. She can’t quite put her finger on the noise is it mechanical? Electronic? It’s coming from behind her and to the right, where the kitchen counter is.
Violet leaps to her feet and dives for the counter, knocking over the fruit basket. She hears the sound again. The vase! She takes it with both her hands and smashes it on the counter and there in the ceramic fragments lays a small camera.