Skin Crawling
The foe was vanquished, his wilted frame
Now victim to the toilet drain
I’d made my warning loud and clear
Beware all those who trespass here
A victor’s crown adorns my head
That rests again on midnight’s bed
Heavy eyes now chance to close
When comes a tickle up my nose
Impossible,thought I with dread
The villain risen from the dead
Though now my arms begin to itch
Is this arachnid or witch?
Fingers tick and elbows bend
It has returned and brought its friends
I hesitate to shake them off
Lest they return all the more wroth
Frozen and unblinking stay
Have faith that they will go away
Now creeping, crawling up my skin
I dare not fight, I cannot win
I shall succumb to forces great
Those hairy eyes and legs of eight
From scalp to toe they make their way
I count this as my dying day
But wait- a light from out the window
Casts its ray on my pillow
And as I view myself afresh
There are no creatures on my flesh
Embarrassed now, my face turns red
The itching was inside my head
Not one beastly spinner creeps
A poor excuse for losing sleep