Snowy Forest

(Hello there! I’m not going to fully follow this prompt but I am going to follow the “characters you’ve ever written into your stories. So, here’s a story about three of the characters I’ve made a small story about!)

Snow covered the forest floor like a massive coat of fur, it froze the bracken and brambles connected to the earth and trees, not moving at all. The sound of paw-steps was near, and out through a frozen holly bush was a white and dark brown cat. He let out a low grumble as a few frozen leafs clung onto his pelt, but he didn’t mind. He trotted over the frozen forest and leaped over a fallen tree with one graceful bound. He paused and tasted the air for any prey. He followed his nose and dived off deeper into the forest. Not far off was another cat, smaller and fearful. She gasped as she realized she’d lost sight of the other. She quickly tasted the air and ran around in search for him. “Maple! Where are you!” She wailed like a kitten. More rustling came from the bushes as yet another cat came into view, “Yarrow! Be quiet! Maple’s a good cat, he’d never leave you unattended” she snickered. “Leave me alone, Crow! Go catch your own food some place else!” The gray tabby hissed. Crow brushed her black tail over Yarrow’s back. “How about no.” She replied coldly. Yarrow batted her with a paw to the face, pushing her over when she was caught off guard, “be quiet, would you! I’ll leave then.” She glared, then turned around and bounded off away from the troublesome cat.

(Tell me what you think about it!)

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