
All the outside noises had vanished, it was quiet again. Amelie sat on the dirty mattress on the floor staring a the static on the Tv, it was the only possession she was allowed to have besides a thin torn blanket.

Most of the time the tv didn't work but every now and again a picture would come through suddenly and vanish just as quick. The stone walls of the cellar were damp and cold, it soaked through her bones making her feel perpetually ill.

Amelie had no idea how long she had been down there and she wondered if anyone at the shelter knew she was missing...of course not, no one cared for her...It had begun to rain again and the tiny barred window began to leak and sending water dripping down the wall. It was night time now and she lay down to try and rest, to keep as much energy as she could. The tv stayed on like it did every night, she felt comfort in the static somehow.

She woke up to a faint crying, it was dark still except for the glow of the tv static. Amelie sat up and pressed her ear to the tv...the crying got a bit louder. She leaned back and looked at the glow of the static on the tv darting around as if it were alive somehow, suddenly a small hand pressed up against the Tv. Amelie froze staring at this small hand, slowly she put hers up against the tv to match...the small hand curled it's fingers through the Tv and wrapped them around Amelies, there was a pop, bang and sparks sending her backwards...the tv glass had exploded, and now Amelie was alone for real...

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