A hero who cries
Behind their laughter.
Countless battle-worn children
Deliriously stumbling through life.
Every drop of blood that has
Fallen from our veins
Gave us the power to
Hold on when the child
In our souls needed a break from being the
Jester, the one that needs to
Kid to feel like a kid, to keep on
Maybe this is too dark, a
Narrator who got a bit
Overzealous in his descriptions of the
People he sees every day, of the
Queens, Kings, and various monarchs whose
Reigns have fallen prey to the
Shadowy thoughts that lurk just beyond
The imagination, and just before the
Unknown crevices we avoid with
Well, maybe that’s the case, just the
Xerotic bits of an artist’s brain trying to
Yield something that’s a bit less
Zany than what they’d usually want to write.