Inspired by Kail Cleo

Create a story by writing multiple diary entries from your character (or multiple characters intertwined).

Try to make each entry build from the last to add to the storyline. If you switch perspective, make it clear that it's someone else's journal.


If you’re reading this journal you’ve been inducted into the Mayfly Society. A series of locations and dates will be written here. These are places where we will fuck and then promptly forget. Mark yourself in attendance by drawing a mayfly. All those in attendance will bring proof of a clean test. We always meet at 1:38am, never sooner. Room 605 of Powell Hall 11/14🦟🪰🦟🦟🪰 The Library’s Secondary Basement 12/1 🦟🦟🦟🪰🦟🪰🪰🦋 **—Ayo, why the hell is there a butterfly? This ain’t no butterfly society. ** **— I can do whatever I want. Suck it** **— I probably will.** The Roof of Building 600 12/6 🪰🪰🪰🦟🪰🦋 The men’s lockeroom of the natatorium 12/18 🦟🦟🦟🦋🪰🦟🪰🪰 **—Who are you people and why was I directed to this book? What is this? An orgy club? ** **— Ah, another new member. Orgies are just about the least interesting thing about us, little larva. Come. Have an open mind. Then never speak about it again. ** **—Yeah no. That’s a hard pass. ** **** **** **—Okay. Live your boring-ass life. ** **** **—Why do you people keep getting strangers to pass me this book?** **** **—Someone wants you there, little larva. ** **** **** I bit my nails as I paced my dorm, thinking about it. They were meeting tonight. I knew where I knew when, but I knew literally nothing else. Was this some sort of party? Was this some strange club that would haze me? I wasn’t going to get roofied right? Going sounded like a stupid idea but not going only made me excruciatingly curious. Someone wanted me there. Someone was waiting for me to show up. Maybe it was someone I knew. I had my clean bill of health in my hand— negative for any transmitable infections. It wasn’t like I needed it though. I’m not going to… Okay, I won’t lie. Still, I don’t _plan_ to. All I want to do is see who is there. That would be fine right? And if anyone tries anything, I have my taser and pepper spray. A girl can’t leave home without that. And if it’s somewhere I want to be, I can make the decision to stay when I get there. Right? Right? (A/N: sorry if this goes against community guidelines. There are litterally no other thoughts in my brain)
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