Bane of all Existence

Vahn felt his rider’s pulse quicken as an arrow flew past them, scraping his arm. “Almost there sir, hold tight!” The squirrel-cat said.

Mez grunted his response and bent down so that his head rested atop Vahn’s.

The two had met during Mez’s training in the Night Squad. Mez had been tasked with spending one night in the wilderness and surviving. When he’d been out there, Vahn had found him and protected him.

Now, they were on the run.

Another arrow grazed them. “Just a little longer Mez!”

The arrow had a red ribbon tied to it, symbolizing it as the work of the Red Squad.

Another arrow, this time from the Grey Squad.

Vahn pushed his limits, running faster. Almost there...

What had they done to be hunted by the Squads? Only stolen their trump card: a sword buried deep within the temple.

Mez and Vahn had entered the temple with one goal in mind: Find the Bane.

They had descended the temple’s 67 floors before finding the sword. A magnificent bone whittled to a point on one hand, a handle imbedded with gemstones. Supposedly it had the ability to wipe out a large city.

Another arrow. This time, black.

“It’s the Night Squad, Vahn!” Mez said urgently.

“I know!” Vahn snapped back, “Why don’t you try running, huh?”

The Bane of all Existence was currently in Mez’s hand. They could defend themselves with it if needed however...

They’d taken the Bane so that others couldn’t use it for harmful means, so no way were they going to use it offensively.

Vahn remembered it clearly, the day they’d overheard the Night Squad’s leader talking to the King.

“We’ll use it to destroy our enemies,” the Night Squad’s leader had said, “No survivors! We’ll dominate the world!”

However scary that was, the King’s answer was scarier.

“Of course we will! You just need someone to retrieve it first. And if I don’t get the Bane, YOU will be held responsible.”

Vahn closed his eyes as he ran. He tried to recall something from long ago... He hoped he’d never need it again, yet here he was.

“Disperse O’ fae of kind, and allow entry to your allies in their time of need!”

A portal opened in front of Vahn. “Duck!” He said and Mez grabbed his fur tightly just as they leapt through the portal.

They landed on the other side, skidding through the grass. The Bane flew from Mez’s hand and hit a tree, sticking itself tightly into the bark.

Mez stood up and rubbed his head. Vahn nudged him with his tail. “Grab the Bane,” Vahn said.

“Mmm... O-kay,” Mez grumbled, reaching for the handle.

“Hurry!” Vahn hissed, “before someone realizes we’re here!”

“I’m trying!” Mez snapped back. He was now gripping it with two hands and tugging back on it tightly. He let out a grunt and put all his weight into it, pushing against the tree. “It’s stuck.”

“What are we going to do?”

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