Choose a sentence from a book that you have read recently and use it as the first line of a short story.
A single line can take you in any direction you please; you can stay faithful to the source material, or create something entirely new from it!
Let’s Be Honest
Later, I would’ve told myself it was a panicked fantasy, a delusion that gripped me in a moment of terror and shock.
No matter how hard I tried I couldn’t shake the feeling that it was real. I kept telling myself every possible explanation, but it still didn’t change the fact that I was still standing here covered from head to toe in blood with no memory of what happened.
Who’s blood is this ? I’m not sure. Why am I standing in the middle of a field with no recollection of how I got here? Your guess is as good as mine.
I’m not quite sure I can explain my way out of this one. I call the agency and explain my situation to which they respond with they’ll be here in ten minutes. This isn’t the first time I’ve had to call them for help. They cleaned up the last two incidents and wiped my slate clean, but this time I feel might be the last straw.
I think they might keep me off the good stuff for awhile as punishment and lock me up so this won’t happen again. I know they’ll come and help me because let’s be honest, they can’t risk one of their vampires being exposed.