Warmth in the Ice
Write a story, poem, descriptive passage, or short scene, which uses this theme.
Christmas Day Poem
Christmas is and isn’t the best time of year,
For so many, this is a time of great fear.
So many people feeling like they aren’t enough,
In a cycle of buying more and more stuff.
Some kids have no presents under the tree,
How sad, a room with kids and no glee.
Some tables will be set with an unused plate,
A father, a mother, a loved one or mate.
Always remember, the warmth in the ice,
That Santa knows who’s naughty and nice.
So hug your loved ones a little tighter this year,
Make sure to spread that Christmas cheer.
Not everyone gets to share this pleasure,
These are the memories that you’ll treasure.
There is only one thing left for me to say,
I hope that you all have a merry Christmas Day.