Deep Roots

Write a poem about the importance of roots - it could be physical (like a tree) or metaphorical (like a character's upbringing), or a comparison of both!



If i could be anything i would be a tree

The amazing thing about trees is they endure so much change but they never move.

Every season the leaves change and drift away. But they always return year after year

The wind blows and the storms rage, but the trees will endure so much before they break. They will bend and curve all that they can before they allow themselves to truly cave in and break.

They meet many animals as time passes. They provide a home for those in need.

Trees are as old as they come and with time comes great knowledge.

They dig their roots deep and sturdy so they know nothing of fear

The earth above can shake and rattle but their roots will never cave.

if only i could be as strong as a tree.

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