
It was a normal occurrence where Stella would make a fool of herself somehow. Wither it was tripping in public and falling flat on her face, or saying you too after a server says “enjoy your meal” and lastly stumbling over her words to the point that she just walks away embarrassed.

Even if she had to buy something she would rather self-checkout then risk the awkward small talk. She always hated starting conversations and the second hand embarrassment would be evident when she accidentally over shares her problems to a total stranger. Now some might not find that awkward or embarrassing but when your a grown ass adult and you tell a random stranger “I mean who hasn’t felt depressed I’m pretty most people my age have tried to kill themselves at least once huh?” And the stranger looks at you funny and says “..nooo that’s um, that’s not normal.” And then slowly tries to walk away. Yeah that’s embarrassing at its finest.

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