Submitted by SLW
The last thing I expected when I woke up this morning was this.
Continue the story. Consider changing the pronouns if you want to write from a different perspective.
Glowing Eyes Part 3
The last thing I expected when I woke up this morning was this.
I didn’t know what to do, I mean I wanted to accept her invitation to dinner but what would dinner with Draya entail? I mean she’s a vampire do vampires even eat human food or would I be the meal? I mean sure I trusted her not to kill me, but she wouldn’t have to kill me to feed from me right? Normally I would just research it on the internet but according to Draya humans get a lot of things wrong so twilight, vampire diaries and supernatural are probably not good sources but then again just because some things are wrong doesn’t mean everything is. I sighed I guess I will just have to ask her. I got out of bed and took a long hot shower and tried to organize my thoughts for what I was going to say. I guess there really wasn’t any way around it but to just come out and ask.
I wrapped my hair up in a towel and dried myself off before slipping into a simple pair of blue jeans and a lose fitting t-shirt, I would of course change for the date. I scrolled through my contacts finding Draya’s number clicking it then hitting the call button it rang three times before she answered “Hello darling.”
“How did you know it was me?”
“I recognized the number.”
“Oh… well I am just calling to say that I accept your invitation to dinner, but I do have one question.”
“Ask away.”
“What would you be eating?”
“You are worried that you would be my meal, correct?”
“Not worried necessarily but the thought had occurred to me yes.”
“Not to worry I planned on feeding before I came to pick you up.”
“Oh, good; I mean that’s a good idea.”
“So, I was thinking I would pick you up around 6:00 is that okay?”
“Yeah 6 sounds fine.”
“Ok I will see you then.”
“I am looking forward to it.”
“As am I darling, goodbye.”
“Bye.” I said and hung up the phone and immediately called Hallie she answered on the first ring.
“Hallie it’s Sarah.”
“What’s up Sarah?”
“I could really use some help. Do you think you could help me get ready for a date…tonight?”
"Tonight, with who?"
"With Draya who do you think?"
"I am on my way, and I am texting the others to meet me there.”
"Thanks Hallie.”
"No problem, we got your back girl.”
Within the hour all my friends were at my house and after going through every item of clothing I had in my closet and every piece of jewelry I own we finally found an outfit that everyone found acceptable. The outfit consisted of a black tank top with a gold butterfly painted on the front and a red knee laugh skirt with black nylons and red shoes with gold dangly butterfly earrings and a necklace with a diamond flower pendent casual but dressy enough that I wouldn't look out of place if she took me someplace fancy. Currently Hallie was doing my nails she was painting them a bright shade of crimson and had little stick on black diamonds which she placed in the center of each nail. Raquel was doing my hair, while Kelsey and Tracy were trying to coordinate the make-up. As Raquel twisted my hair into a French braid Kelsey commented while she was comparing two different shades of red lipstick “Maybe you should consider wearing a push-up bra tonight.”
“Seriously Kelsey what is your problem? Why would you say that?” Tracy scolded
“No, it’s ok everyone knows out of the five of us I am not exactly what you would call well endowed.” I said
“Don’t sweat it B-cup and you don’t need a freaking push up she liked you without one before she will like you without one now.” Hallie encouraged me
“Thanks Hallie.” I said with a smile
"And I'm sorry I said anything about it I don't know what I was thinking.” Kelsey said apologetically
"And as soon as RaRa ties off that braid get your sweet little ass over here so we can do your make up, we have found the perfect navy-blue eyeshadow and a blush that best complements your skin tone and lipstick that will match your nails.”
It was five minutes before Draya was supposed to pick me up and my friends refused to leave. They claimed they wanted to see me off and even if it was true, I didn't trust them not to embarrass me in one way or another. Yet it was all good natured. We were sitting on the front porch swing when Draya pulled up in what I think was a classic car "Thats a Ford Thunderbird 1958-1966 if I'm not mistaken.” said Tracy. Now you can say what you like about blonds, but Tracy knew her cars. I took a deep breath and began to make my way to the car, and they insisted on fallowing me. Draya was already out of the car and had the passenger door open for me. She was wearing a long black spaghetti strap dress that hugged all her curves in just the right way and showed off the right amount of cleavage, she was wearing a pair of black ballet flats red ruby earrings and a necklace with a matching ruby pendent dark eyeshadow and crimson lipstick. I smile at her and get in.
"Nice ride the Thunderbird is a classic, what year is it?" Tracy asked her
"I believe it's a 1960 and thank you...not many girls know cars.”
"I like cars; especially vintage and classic cars.”
“Unfortunately, this car isn't actually mine I'm barrowing it from a friend, embarrassingly enough I drive a motor home. A necessity when you travel as much as I do.”
"I think it's cool, like a hotel room on wheels.”
"That is kind of you to as lovely as this conversation is I do have a date to get to.”
"Yeah, Tracy quit trying to steal Sarah's girl.” Raquel said
"I'm not trying to steal her.” She said as she walked away to join the other three girls.
"Hey Sarah, smile!” Then suddenly two bright flashes went off. As soon as Tracy had moved out of the way Hallie and Kelsey had taken a picture of me and Draya. Hallie had used her phone while Kelsey used an old polaroid. I knew that they would find a way to embarrass me.
"Now you two kids have fun.” said Raquel and they waved at us as we drove away.
"Your friends seem fun.”
"Oh, they think they're a riot...but they mean well...most of the time.”
“Maybe next time we can do something with them, I think I should get to know your friends and family too if we are going to be in a relationship.”
"My Parents are out of town, they left this morning, but they should be back in a week or two. My friends on the other hand, well they all seem to find you fascinating and would probably jump at the opportunity to spend some time with you.”
"Well, I look forward to it.”
"So, where are we going tonight?"
"Oh, it's nothing too fancy, just a steak house.”
“Would you mind if I asked you some personal questions?"
"Not at all.
"Can vampires eat human food?”
"The short answer is yes. The longer answer is that we can eat and drink anything humans do as long as there is a healthy diet of blood in our system then our bodies will function normally however we couldn't live on human food, it does help curb the hunger but otherwise provides no sustenance.”
"Ok what about weaknesses? I mean I saw you out during the day, so I am guessing that sun light doesn't burn you but what about garlic and stuff like that?"
"The garlic thing is a myth as is the religious objects and consecrated ground thing, I don’t need permission to enter private property and although I don't burst into flame sunlight is a little uncomfortable plenty SPF100 sunscreen can help with that though, stakes to the heart don't kill us at least not permanently, pull it out and we will revive decapitation is the only way to kill us, fire works too although it takes longer however dead man's blood is like poison to us, and silver does burn.”
"How did you change?" I see her hands tighten on the steering wheel "You don't have to answer that if it’s a sore subject.”
"No, it just…it isn't exactly a happy memory.” Draya sighed and then continued "I was born over 150 years ago in new Orléans to a very wealthy family. I was an only child and never wanted for anything and was supposed to inherit everything, however in my teen years I began to rebel a bit. I grew tired of life under my posh, polished and pristine parents so when I was seventeen I accompanied a servant girl I was friends with to a Mardi Gras party. We got separated and I was approached by some young men who started to flirt with me. They took me to a tavern and bought me lots of drinks. I think one of them must have drugged me because everything gets kind of murky at that point. I know one of them was kissing me and then he was kissing and sucking and nipping at my neck. I think that must have been when I was bitten. The next thing I remember clearly is waking up in an ally alone, scared and confused and very, very hungry. I came across an old man, he was a homeless beggar. I couldn’t stop myself. I bit and drained him. I hadn’t meant to kill him but couldn’t help it. I had a hard time learning to control my hunger, I probably never would have learned had it not been for Celeste. She’s a female vampire whose hunt I interrupted. She was angry at first but then she realized that I was just a young vampire whose sire abandoned her, so she took pity on me and took me under her wing, I am forever grateful to her and owe her so much.”
"I'm sorry, life must have been hard for you.”
"It still is; I won't lie there are few things about my life that are happy; but you…I don't know why but when I am near you, I am the closest I have ever been to happy in a long time.”
By this time, we have arrived at the restaurant. It was longhorn steakhouse which I absolutely love. I always have a good experience at this place; great atmosphere and food. Draya parked the car, got out and came around to open my door for me, and they say chivalry is dead. I smile at her and get out of the car, and we walk in together. The hostess greats us "Hello, two?"
"Yes.” Draya confirms
"Is a booth, ok? I could get you a table, but it might be a bit of a wait.”
"A both is fine, thank you.”
"Okay fallow me.”
We fallowed her to one of the booths near the back of the restaurant, we sat down, and she places a menu in front of each of us. “Your server should be with you shortly.”
And not more than a minute later our sever was there. A young brunette with hazel eyes and a little heavy set but not fat and certainly attractive. “Hi I'm Lindsey and I will be you sever this evening. Can I get you anything to drink?'
"Raspberry iced tea please.” I ordered
"Unsweetened iced tea.” Draya ordered
"Ok I will be right back with you drinks.” the sever said before leaving the table.
I quickly scan over the menu and decided what I wanted then noticed that Drama hadn't touched hers at all. “Aren't you going to order anything?" I asked
"I looked at the menu online before we came, I already know what I want.”
"Oh..." was all I said and began to feel a little awkward.
"You asked me some personal questions earlier so maybe I could ask you some?”
"That sounds fair.” I answered
"Tell me about your family.”
"Not much to tell we are an upper middle class family, mom is a doctor, dad owns and runs his own business but it's a very small company and its just mom dad and me.”
"No pets?”
"No time mom and dad work and I am at school most of the time.”
At this point the sever was back with our drinks "Ok are you ready to order or do you need a few more minutes?”
"No, we are ready to order.”
"Okay what will it be?"
"I will have the Longhorn Salmon and a side of Broccoli.”
"And you?” she asked turning to me
"I will have Maverick Ribeye Sandwich with a side of Seasoned French Fris and a Sweat Potato.”
"Okay I will put the orders in for you right away.” she said walking away
"So, any more questions?" I ask turning my attention back to Draya
"A few..." suddenly she was smirking at me "…are you a virgin?"
I made the mistake of trying to take a sip of my tea right before she asked that question as I was now choking on it "Wh-what?" I sputtered after I stopped coughing and regained my breath.
"Are you..." she began to repeat the question before I cut her off.
"No, I heard you I mean why do you want to know?
"Just curious...its ok if you're not you know.”
"No, I am a virgin, I mean you are actually the first real relationship I've been in.”
"But there something else that you're not saying isn't there?”
I sighed "Even though I am completely 100% a virgin my cheery has already been popped...Biking accident when I was ten.”
"Thank goodness it was just a bike accident at first when you said that I thought it was going to be something more traumatic.”
"Anything else you want to know?”
"Have you done much traveling in your life?”
"A little I have been to the Milwaukie Museum a few times and the Milwaukie Zoo and I have been to the Wisconsin dells many times and six flags and Chicago to the field Museum and the aquarium I also went to Minnesota to the mall of America and I have also been to Colorado and stayed there visiting my aunt and I have been to Florida and while there went to bush gardens and sea world but that's it for the theme parks I spent the rest of the time at the beach or in the pool at the hotel. I bet you have been to more interesting places"
"Indeed, Italy, Spain, France, Alaska, China, Japan, Hawaii and many more I guess you could say I have a lot of time on my hands.”
"I hope I can go to some of those places in my life it would be great to see the world.”
it was at this point the sever came over with our meals and we exchanged some small talk she asked me some less personal questions and as it turns out we have similar tastes in music. I was surprised to find out that she had never seen the princess bride or Robin Hood men in tights or any Patrick Swazey or Tom Cruise movies ok in truth she hadn't seen many movies at all she preferred live plays. I couldn't blame her I had seen a couple of plays at the American players theater and saw Wicked and the plays my school put on were always good except when a fog machine they were using set off the smoke alarms during a performance of into the woods but it made for an entertaining story all the same. After our meal we decided to split a desert. Draya insisted on paying and then she drove me home.
"I really enjoyed dinner thank you for taking me.”
"It was my pleasure my darling princess.”
I couldn't stop the blush as I felt the heat rise to my cheeks. Draya laughed and leaned forward kissing me, I practically melted into it and then she ever so slowly pulled away I let out a small whine of protest which made Draya laugh again "If you like we can continue this when I visit you tonight.”
I didn't trust my voice to work properly at the moment so settled on nodding in response she kissed me one more time and I get out of the car and went inside.
I set my purse down by the front door and then head upstairs and head to my bedroom at the end of the hall. I toed off my shoes and leave them by the door and then go into the attached 3/4 bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth after I'm done, I change into the sexiest PJs I own which is a red silk with black lace trim camisole with matching shorts. I know red and black is a little cliche but in all honestly these PJs aren't just the sexiest I own they are the only sexy PJs I own. It doesn't get any sexier than this, unless I was naked and to me naked doesn't say sexy, it says easy. Easy is not what I am going for at all, but wearing an oversized FRANKIE SAY RELAX shirt and boy boxers is also not what I am going for. So cliche sexy PJs it is. I open my window not just a crack this time but all the way and then sat in my bed and waited for her.
It was 11pm when Draya arrived still wearing the dress from earlier. The stealth and grace with which she entered my room remined me of a cat or at the risk of sounding like a total comic book geek cat woman. I totally ship batman/cat woman not more than I ship Harley Quinn/Poison Ivy but that's not the point and we are getting off topic point is Draya somehow makes nearly everything she does sexy including climbing through my window walking around my bed toeing off her shoes and climbing into my bed next to me. My breath quickened with anticipation. I did want to continue what had happened in the car but while I had waited for Draya, I had thought of a few more questions. She seemed to sense this "What is It?" she asked.
"As much as I want to continue what happened in the car, I thought of a few more questions I need answered.”
"Very well what are your questions?"
"First, if you exist then what else exists?"
"Wondering what else goes bump in the night huh? Well there are wear wolfs but they are mostly in England, particularly London and witches are real too but leave them alone and they mostly will leave you alone just don't make an enemy of them and then there are hunters they are humans that hunt the things like me and ruthless it doesn't matter if you have killed or not they don't listen to reason they are just so sure the other shoe is going to drop and they believe it is their job to make sure it never does and they don't care who they have to hurt they call it a casualty of war but they don't usually kill humans so you most likely won't have anything to fear from them.”
“Ok what about your powers?”
"Well, there’s super speed, super agility, super strength, super senses, super durability, the healing factor, the immortality, enhanced emotions and mind compulsion some vampires also have powers of telepathy I however do not.”
I took a moment to process that and then asked what I hoped would be my last question for the night, it all depended on Draya’s answer “Have you ever used your powers of mind compulsion on me?”
“No, nor will I, I respect you and your boundaries, and you said you trusted me I would not betray your trust I swear.”
“Okay just wanted to be sure that my feelings are my own and not something that was implanted in my mind.”
"I would never do that you can trust me.”
"I know... now about what we did in the car…”
"I take it you want to continue?”
"Yes" I said a little shyly.
Draya smiled at me and gripped my chin pulling my face toward her and tilting it up slightly so that my lips met hers. I practically melted into the kiss. Draya put her hands on my waist pulling me in close and I wrapped my arms around her one hand on the back of her neck the other tracing up and down the length of her spine. Draya slowly broke the kiss "Suddenly I feel overdressed would you help me with unzipping my dress?”
"Sure," I said reaching behind her finding the tab to the zipper and pulling down gently. I helped her slip the straps down and off her shoulders and down to her waist she took it off the rest of the way herself. Under the dress she was wearing a matching black strapless bra and pantie set that contrasted dramatically against her alabaster skin "Wow" I breathed out "you are gorgeous.”
"Thank you.” she said then pulled me into another kiss. While we kissed my hands were trying to touch any piece of exposed cool skin I could reach. I could feel the toned muscles of her stomach running my hands up her arms and across her shoulders and collar bone down her back to her hip up her sides and then starting all over again. I could feel her doing the same, her cold hands wandering under the hem of my PJ top. That's when I realized that her hands were everywhere but were I wanted them to be. I stopped my exploration of her body to place my hands on top of hers which were currently on my stomach. I guided them upwards until they were cupping my breasts. Draya broke the kiss and locked eyes with me "Are you sure?" she asked me I nodded but Draya shook her head "Use your words darling I need your verbal consent you need to tell me verbally that you are ok with this so I will ask again are you sure?"
"Yes, I am sure. I want this but no further than this. I'm not ready to go all the way yet.”
"That is just fine darling. By the way you have my consent to touch my breasts as well if you want to.” She then leaned in devouring my mouth again and began to fondle my breast, squeezing and kneading them rubbing her thumb over my taut nipples pinching them between her fingers and gently pulling on them. I gasped, moaned and whimpered into Draya's mouth; grateful that my parents were out of town, so I didn’t have to control the volume level. My hands went to her breasts palming them through the lacey fabric. This time Draya moaned breaking the kiss long enough to say, "Take it off.” I reached behind her and un-hooked the bra throwing it to the floor then cupping the cold mounds of flesh and began fondling them much in the same way she was doing to me, gauging what she likes from the sounds she was making against my lips. She moves her hands from my breasts sliding them down my torso grabbing the hem of my PJ top "May I?" she asked breaking the kiss. I begin to nod but then remembered what she said about verbal consent "Yes take it off” I breathed out raising my arms above my head to make removing the garment easier. She pulled it off and threw it into some dark corner of the room. “Beautiful, simply perfection.” She said I blushed what I am sure was a deep crimson.
"Thank you.” I said
Draya smirked at me "Tell me princess would you like me to take one of these perfect breasts into my mouth? Would you like me to suck on them? lick them?”She said giving my breasts a firm squeeze.
Oh god fuck I thought "Yes please.”
"Oh, so polite.”
"Darya please.”
"You're sure?" she said her smirk growing wider
Damn it she was enjoying this “Yes.” I said as steadily as I could.
"Hmm" she hummed leaning down flicking her lounge against my nipple and then blowing on it this caused me to moan and a shiver to run through my body "My, my so sensitive.”
My god she was going to fucking kill me if she kept this up “Draya please stop teasing please.”
"Oh, but I so enjoy watching you squirm princess.” She said blowing on my nipple again.
Fuck if this didn't kill me then it would surlily drive me insane “Please!” I said a hint of desperation entering my voice.
“Soon darling have patients.” she said once again kissing me. First on the lips then down my jaw and making her way to my neck kissing sucking and nipping at the sensitive skin there causing me to moan and gasp then she continues down my chest kissing down one breast and then flicking her tongue against my hard nipple she swirled her tongue around my erect nipple then sucked it in earning a loud groan. Most of Draya's body was cold even her lips, the inside of her mouth however was warm. She alternated her movements between swirling and sucking. I buried my hands in her hair "Oh Draya yes!” I was able to gasp out before she released my breast and then moved to the other breast doing the same thing as she had done to the first. Oh Draya, Draya, Draya, Draya, Draya!” I chanted her name like a mantra, a prayer to whatever gods that be to never let this pleasure end but end it did as most good things must. I was panting hard as was Draya she kissed her way back up to my lips leaving a lingering kiss there then pressed her forehead against mine. Once we both caught our breath she said "Its late you should probably get some sleep.”
"Yeah, you vampires sleep?"
"Sometimes, we don't have to but sometimes we still chose to weather out of human habit or another reason.”
"Do you choose to sleep?"
"Lately, no I prefer staying awake watching you sleep.”
"Again, that is stalker level creepy.”
"Well, I'm not so much watching you as I am watching over you.”
"So, like my own personal garden angel?”
"Yes, except with a few added befits.” she said kissing me on my forehead then my nose then finally placing a kiss on my lips I smile onto the kiss "Come on darling its late you should sleep, and we can cuddle.”
"Will you stay this time?"
"What do you mean?"
“Last time... yesterday or today when I woke up you were gone, and I was just hoping you would stay this time.”
"I will stay as long as you like.”
“You promise you won’t leave?”
“I promise…now let’s get under the covers because I am actually quite fond of cuddling.”
“Can I be the little spoon?”
“Ok this time but that means I get to be the little spoon next time.” Draya said as we shimmied under the covers. I lay on my side and Draya puts her arms around me pulling me close to her “I love how warm your body feels against me.” she said and then inhaled deeply “And your sent is so good, so sweet, nearly intoxicating.”
I could feel the heat rushing to my face again “Thank you.” I said
“You’re not too cold against me, are you?”
“No, I mean your body is cold yes, but I like it, it actually feels nice.”
“You have no idea how good it feels, your warmth. One of the many things I hate about this cursed life. I always hated the cold.”
“Guess I will have to be your own personal furnace then I tend to run a little hot anyway.”
Draya sighed "I want…no, I need to tell you something, but I’m worried it might scare you a little or a lot but remember I would never intentionally hurt you.”
“Okay what is it?”
“Remember how I said that your sent is nearly intoxicating?”
“Yeah, I mean you just said it seconds ago.”
“Well earlier when I was suckling you, I nearly lost control. You didn’t make it any easier either especially when you started chanting my name, I really thought I was going to lose it then. The scary part is that that’s never happened before at least not since I was a newly changed vampire. After learning to control my hunger I have never felt like I would lose control not once, until now and there is still a small part of me that is urging me to feed and not stop until every last damn drop of your blood has been consumed. I am in complete control now and I would never do that to you but how close I came tonight it scares me. Something about your sent triggered this reaction in me. I thought you had the right to know that…if you don’t want to continue our relationship and want me to leave, I understand I’ll go and never bother you again I just…”
I cut her off “I trust you Draya that hasn’t changed and you didn’t actually completely lose control you did control yourself and you are in control now and I feel safe with you Draya safer than I have ever felt with anyone in my entire life. I can’t explain it but what you told me it doesn’t scare me maybe it should; hell, it definitely should, but it doesn’t.”
“Why doesn’t it?”
"I don’t know I just feel safe...protected…remember how you said that I was like a princess and wanted to stay up in a tower safe and sound? Well, when you are here holding me, you are my tower keeping me safe and sound.”
“I think that might be the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me… did you truly mean that?”
“With all my heart and soul.”
“Thank you…we should get some sleep I am suddenly very tired for some reason.” she said pulling me closer “good night my little princess.”
“Good night, Draya, my guardian angel.”
When I wake up the next morning the spot Draya had been in was now empty and a strange mixture of hurt and anger filled me. I sit up and pull my knees to my chest. I could feel the stinging of tears in my eyes, but I didn’t even try to stop them from falling as they cascaded in small rivers down my cheeks. She had left, after promising she wouldn’t, she left again. I was trying to process why she would be so cruel when I heard her voice from my open bedroom door “Oh you’re awake I thought I could get this done before you woke up obviously, I was mis… what’s wrong darling?”
“I woke up and you were gone. I thought you had left again.”
“No princess, I promised I wouldn’t. I woke up early and thought I would surprise you with breakfast in bed” she said I now realized that Draya was carrying a tray with food “if I had known you were going to react like this I would have waited till you woke up.” she said walking over to the bed setting the try down next to me. She reaches over and attempts to wipe away my tears with her thumb then cups my cheek affectionately. I lean into her cold touch and straighten out my legs then looked at the breakfast laden tray. It had two over easy eggs, two crescent rolls, two pieces of toast, four sausage links, eight strips of bacon, sweet potato hash, sliced avocados and two thermoses filled with something, I was about to ask what was in them but Draya answers that question before I could even ask “One of the thermoses has half ice tea half lemonade and the other one is sunny D, I didn’t know which you would want.”
“This looks great." I said grabbing the tray and placing it on my lap grabbing a piece of toast and use my fork to put the eggs and a few slices of avocado on it then topping it with the other piece of toast making a sandwich then take a big bite out of it holding it over my plate, so the yolk doesn't get all over the place after finishing the toast egg and avocado sandwich I used the crescent rolls to mop up the yolk and then start eating the bacon "Well so far it doesn't just look great it tastes great too." I said grabbing the thermos that had the sunny D, opening it, taking a big drink.
"I am glad you like it; it's been a while since I've cooked for anyone."
"Well, if all of your meals are as good as this then I think you are an excellent cook."
"Thank you, Darling."
At that point my phone starts to ring Cindy Lauper's young voice belting out again I have got to change my ring tone. Don't get me wrong I have nothing against Cindy, but I have had that same ring tone since middle school. I looked at the caller ID it was Hallie "Talk to me"
"You are on speaker, and everyone is here now spill we want details."
"You just want to know how far we got you little gossip."
"Obviously it's the best part."
"Well, when she drove me home, we kissed in the car a little."
"Is that all?"
"No, we did other stuff in my room."
"You invited her in?"
"Something like that."
"What base did you get to?"
"I'm not going to tell you, and I mean any of you that."
There were lots or grumbling complaints coming from the other end "Come on Sare Bear you got to give us something did you just stay safe on first base or what? Come on the suspense is killing us." that was Kellsie's voice
"If I tell you no teasing and it stays between the five of us, I am talking to you Hallie you spread these things around and I can no longer be held accountable for what I might do to you."
"I swear on my grandmothers grave now spill."
"Ok we rounded first and went for second."
"Was it good? Did you enjoy it?"
"Yes, and hell yes...we also did some cuddling afterwards which was nice."
"Sarah you naughty little thing" Raquel's voice said
"I said no teasing and who are you calling naughty? We all know you lost your V card to Brian last year."
"So, he is still around, isn't he?"
"Girl that boy has been pining after you since the fifth grade of course he stuck around." said Tracys voice
"She is lucky she didn't get preggers." said Kellsie's voice
"Especially since she is pro-life, I mean there is nothing wrong with pro-life, but I don't think the world is ready for a little Raquel clone." I said
"You can all go screw yourselves." came Raquels annoyed voice
"Ok no more picking on RaRa." said Hallie
"Anyway, what would you guys say to a girl's night out or something with Draya?"
"Are you kidding that would be so cool!" Kellsie said
"When do you want to do it?" Hallie asked
"Well, I would have to check with Draya but does this weekend Saturday work for you guys?"
"Works for me...that work for everyone?"
There was a “yes” from Tracy and Kellsie and Raquel asking, "Can I bring Brian?"
"RaRa you don't bring Boyfriends on a girl's night." Hallie complains
"She can bring him we just won't call it a girl's night just an outing between friends." I say I had always liked Brain as a guy friend. He was nice and funny, with chocolate brown eyes and blond hair and an extremely light complexion but tall and muscular too and I was happy when he and Raquel finally got together.
"As long as I am not stuck in the back of Tracys VW bus with the two of them sucking face the whole time." Kellsie said
"We could sick Sarah and Draya back there with you." Tracy suggested
"As long as they don't make me feel like I am stuck in a lesbian porn film its fine."
"Kay I will talk to you guys later and keep you posted on if this weekend is going to work."
"Kay everyone say bye to Sarah." Hallie said
"Bye Sarah." I hear all my friends say in unison before ending the call.
I look at Draya who was smiling at me clearly amused.
"This weekend Saturday works just fine for me darling."
I roll my eyes at her "I need a shower." I say getting out of the bed and making my way towards the bathroom then look over my shoulder "Join me?"
“Of course.”
She responded, we both went into the bathroom for a long hot shower, no there was no shower sex get your minds out of the gutters, but we did wash each other which obviously did involve some or lots of touching. Draya ended up spending the rest of the day with me leaving only once for a few hours that evening to feed but otherwise spent the night with me, we didn't do any second base stuff the second night we spent together just lots of kissing and cuddling and as promised Draya got to be the little spoon this time.
The weekend of our group outing finally arrived. My friends asked if we could go to Dave and Busters and after Draya said she was cool with whatever we wanted to do I aggreged. As much as I hated crowds, I didn't mind Dave and Busters so much, part of it was because it reminded me of chuck 'e' cheese, minus the tubes and ball pit but still tons of arcade games both old and new ones, along with some VR rides/games. I would often lose myself in a game usually injustice, after each game you got a card with a character on it you would later use the cards you gained to choose what characters you wanted to play as. I had 10 cards and could only choose up to three characters. I was trying to gain Poison Ivy, I already had a Harley Quinn and two Cat Woman cards, and I just wanted to get all the Gotham city sirens. The other game I played was one where you spun a wheel and won tickets which were put on a card similar to a credit card your tokens were also on this card anyway the tickets could be used to purchase prizes again similar to the chuck 'e' cheese days but before the game playing commenced, we had all the pizza and hot wings we could eat. Throughout the night my friends were pulling me aside telling me how cool they thought Draya was. I was happy that they approved, even Brain complemented me in scoring such a "hot older babe" but he also said "She still doesn't hold a candle to my Raquel though" the second part was said mostly so Raquel didn't beat him within an inch of his life, but I also knew that he only truly had eyes for Raquel, the boy would attempt to move heaven and earth if she asked him. Draya focused mostly on the games you could earn tickets from because some of the games simply didn't offer tickets they were just for fun and in the end she used her tickets to get me this cute little brown stuffed hedgehog I had my eye on then we all piled in to Tracys VW bus we sang along to all the songs we knew that were playing on the radio we dropped Raquel off along with Brain at his house then Kelsey and then Hallie. Draya and I were the last to be dropped off.
A few days later my parents came home. Draya stopped staying the entire night, she would always wake me a few hours before sunrise. Before she left, we have one final good night kiss and then she would disappear into the darkness. I always had trouble falling back to sleep without her next to me which was odd considering I never had trouble doing so before. When I did sleep all, I would dream about was her. It didn't take me long to realize I was in love with her and that was a problem, this was supposed to be a short-term thing and falling for her would make the inevitable end that much harder and more painful, but I couldn't help it I fell fast and hard for her. I loved Draya Royal, but it would be a long time before I would say it out loud
It had been about a week since my parents had gotten back and I finally told them about my relationship with Draya and how I would like to invite her to Friday night dinner so they could meet her. My parents knew that I am pan sexual I came out to them about it when I was 14 and they accepted it almost right away. I told them that I was happy they were so okay with it. My mom explained that I am their daughter, and they will always love me unconditionally. I don’t think I was ever more grateful for my parents than at that moment.
Friday night rolls around and I am sitting on the front porch waiting for Draya to arrive when she pulled up, I ran out into the yard to meet her and linked my arm with hers I could sense that she was a bit tense “what’s wrong?” I asked her
“It’s nothing I just hope that they approve of me.”
“They will like you; I know they will”
“How can, you be sure?”
“Because I like you so that works in your favor, my parents happen to think that I am an excellent judge of character.”
“I hope you are right.”
“I know I am you don’t have to worry about a thing.”
My mom greeted Draya the moment she walked through the door "So this is the mysterious Draya that has stolen my baby girl's heart."
"Mom did you seriously have to embarrass me the second she walked in the door?"
"I'm your mother sweety it's my job to embarrass you."
"And you think this is bad wait till your mom takes out the photo albums." my father said coming to stand next to my mother.
“Oh no not the photo albums.”
“Yes, including the one with all your baby photos.” my mother said
“Well dinner won’t be ready for a little while so how about we go sit in the living room and get to know each other, I dare say our Sarah has been rather secretive about you.” my father said as he led us into the living room.
Our living room wasn’t very large it has a couch, a love seat, two large reclining armchairs and an old rocking chair once owned by my grandmother and was made by the Amish so apparently that meant it was good quality, all of the furniture was arranged in a semi-circle around an electric fireplace above which a large flat screen was mounted. The couch and love seat faced each other and next to each of them was the recliners and in the center the rocking chair the arms of the couch love seat and recliners all had cup holders. Draya and I sat side by side on the love seat while my parents sat opposite us on the couch “So Draya are you new to the area?” My mother asked
“Yes, I moved here a few months ago and bought a large house in the arboretum.”
“So, you are living there with your parents?”
“No, I’m an emancipated minor, I am not close to my parents, and we don’t really speak much anymore.”
“What about school?”
“I was home schooled my whole life and when I left home, I continued my classes online.”
“What do you do for money?”
“Well that’s a long story when I was about 10 I became very interested in art and as it turns out I have a natural talent for it all kinds in fact but my favorite is sketching. People really like my work I guess because they started buying them from me and at first I would get maybe $20-$25 for one but I guess word of mouth got around and suddenly very wealthy people were offering me large amounts of money for my art pieces and things just sort of took off from there. By the time I was sixteen I had a small fortune that was when I decided to move out my parents were very strict and dictated every part of my life for as long as I could remember I wasn’t even allowed to date and I was just done living under their thumb.”
“I am sorry you don’t have a good relationship with your family.”
“It’s alright I have made other relationships that are far healthier and more rewarding.”
"that's good and at least you are Happy."
"Yes, very happy especially after meeting your daughter."
That comment made my parents smile.
my mother stood up from the couch and said, "Sarah sweetheart would you come and help me set the table while your father talks a little more with Draya?”
“Sure mom.” I said standing up and fallowing my mother out of the room.
When we finished setting the table and put the food out my mom called out “Dinner is on the table.”
Draya walked in first fallowed by my father. Draya came to stand beside me and whispered in my ear “Your dad gave me the 'what are your intentions with my daughter?' speech fallowed by the 'if you ever hurt her...' speech”
“Sorry.” I said and when I thought about it, I should have known better of course it was planned for my mother to get me out of the room so my father could have the father/ significant other talk with Draya, I honestly should have seen it coming but at least it was over with. My parents sat opposite each other at either end of the table and Draya, and I sat across from each other.
“I hope you like roast beef Draya.” my mother said
“Oh, I love it.”
“It’s my favorite too.” I said
Small talk was exchanged throughout the meal and my dad told stupid jokes that still made us laugh even a few dirty ones that were on the tamer side and afterwards Draya offered to help clear “Oh Draya you are the guest you don’t have to do that.”
“I really don’t mind helping in fact I am happy to.”
“Well alright if you insist…thank you.”
“It’s no trouble.”
After cleaning up after dinner we all went back into the living room, and I almost forgot about the albums which my mom wasted no time in opening up. Most of the pictures weren’t so bad, they were actually cute. There were lots of pictures of people holding me, lots of me trying to crawl up my grandmothers stairs, me sitting in a chair talking to my baby doll and even one of me in a grocery bag, but then we got to the embarrassing ones, the ones of me in the sink being given a bath they covered my lady parts with a wash cloth but that didn’t spare me the embarrassing butt shot they got. Then there were the ones of me playing in the bird bath in my grandmothers backyard when I was a baby I am also naked in those pictures but no butt shots at least, my mom made jokes about how I must have thought I was a little bird. Most of the other pictures weren’t so bad especially when we got to the ones where I am older and it looks like I liked to pose for the camera as a toddler and some of my favorites were of me in my grandmothers apple tree I remember the apple trees and climbing in them as a child. They were fond memories. All in all not a bad night. Draya thanked my parents for allowing her over and for the wonderful meal.
My parents said it was a pleasure and that she was always welcome here and our door was always open I walked her to her car. “My parents seem to approve of you.”
“I am glad that they seem to like me.”
“I told you they would.”
“And you were right…see you later tonight princess.” she said kissing me before leaving.
I went to bed at ten and decided to get a little reading in before Draya got here. I was currently rereading the twilight series, even though Bella makes all women look weak and pathetic and the rest of the book is Mary Sue central, if you like the books that’s fine more power to you, when I first read them, I loved them too but now I only read them to kill time my own vampire love story is better anyway, but I’m biased. It was almost 11 when Draya climbed through my window in that sexy cat woman like way that never ceases to amaze me
“Do you actually enjoy that drivel?” she asked when she saw what I was reading.
“No not really” I said closing the book with a snap and setting it on my bedside table.
“Good I can’t stand Twi Hards.”
“Also makes women look pathetic and it annoys me when girls are all like ‘I can relate to Bella because I’m klutzy too’ I mean Christ’s sake everyone is klutzy once in a while and it’s not even a real flaw it’s not something she needs to overcome in fact it becomes an endearing thing about her I mean I would much rather girls try to compare themselves to Xena than little miss 'I can’t function like a normal human and now I am pretty much living as a zombie because my boyfriend broke up with me and moved away' no normal people don’t do that they act more like Rory from Gilmore girls when Dean breaks up with her the first time and even that is a little extreme I mean what ever happened to sitting on the couch eating Ben & Jerry’s and binge watching 90’s sitcoms on Netflix or HBOmax and...I am going to end my little tangent now because I just released how embarrassing it is.”
“I actually find it adorable.” Draya said as she crawled into my bed with me.
“Yeah, but you find most things about me adorable and you kind of have to you are my girlfriend it’s like an unwritten rule or something.”
“Are you seriously complaining about me calling you adorable?”
“It’s not a complaint I am just saying that your opinion is biased.”
“Not necessarily because I also found you adorable before we were a couple too.”
I had no counter argument for this "Ok fine you win this time, but I still say that your opinion is biased."
"Noted." she said kissing me on the forehead then the bridge of my nose then on my lips I smile against her lips as I kiss back.
“Darling how would you feel about meeting more vampires?” Draya asked after breaking the kiss.
“I don’t know, I never really thought about it before.”
“Would it frighten you?”
“If they are anything like you no, I don’t think so why?”
“Well since I have met your family, I think you should meet…we’ll not my family exactly, my parents have been dead for decades but two people I consider like family…they are members of the coven I belong to and for a vampire coven is family.”
"Ok when?"
"How about in a week?"
"Sounds good to me."