
He turned on the shower, quickly testing the temperature with the back of a hand before flinging open the curtain.

“Coming in?” he asked, eyes never leaving mine as he stepped into the rainfall of water.

“I suppose.” My response came out more unsure than I had intended. How was it that a shower felt more intimate than the absolute debauchery we had just participated in did? This was not our first shower together, and would most certainly not be our last.

I stepped into the front of the tub, gripping his forearms simply to not lose contact with him. I positioned myself under the showerhead and tipped my head back, reveling in the hot water as I reached up to push back my hair. In one swift movement he pulled me to his chest. I laughed and wrapped my arms around his neck.

Chest to chest we stood. It was an embrace that felt so _right. _Before I realized it was happening, our breathing had synched and I could feel his heart beat rapidly against my breast. The rhythm of both our breathing and fluttering pulses kept the tempo of what I had realized had become my favorite song.


I felt the corner of my lips tilt up and I watched his face mirror my own. His hazel eyes warmed, watching me simply enjoy his existence.

“What?” His question was soft, almost statement-like. His eyes searched mine as words evaded me. I just smiled. I tightened my arms around him and I felt him sigh, as if relieved to be held closer.

Looking into his eyes felt like looking into the windows of my home. I felt my soul settle. I observed every line of his face, desperate to know and to understand the way his skin rested on his cheekbones. Hungry to memorize how his lips can pull into a smile that stole my breath. My entire being was urgently committing his silhouette to memory as if it were as vital as the air I breathe.

I could feel the words I so greatly wanted to say bubble up into my throat, only to get caught there. Words that felt all too big and yet not big enough to describe what I was feeling for him in that moment skipped my mouth entirely and shone from my eyes instead. I could feel the corners of them get hot while my vision blurred, and I hoped to whatever god was out there that the tears wouldn’t spill.

Water droplets clung to his eyelashes and to the tip of his nose. His eyes shone in a way that I was sure was similar to mine. In them I saw my own vulnerability and awe and _love _reflected back at me. My god was he the most beautiful man I’d ever seen. My god am I in love with him.

Sometimes words are almost too precious to be spoken out loud, so our souls simply whispered them for us.

_I love you._

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