
Thick blonde hair smacked him in the face, its color radiant. “Oh! I’m so sorry,” the lady said to him. Sunny, he thought, bright, bubbly. She’s exciting. “Don’t worry,” he said, “it’s not every day you get whipped in the face by a pretty lady’s hair.” Her giggle was like the chirping morning birds. Smile so wide, she said, “That is so sweet.” She bought him a cookie, breaking off a tiny piece of her own, her tanned skin moving quickly. Comforting then, he thought. “I have to go, but it was lovely meeting you.” Her wink was evident, so terrible. Her chirpy giggle faded through the air as she walked away.

That girl, with the blonde hair, was a great start to his day. He wasn’t expecting to meet the next person he encountered, though, so she was quickly, painfully forgotten.

“Eek!” The woman’s shriek filled the small office. “Are you okay, Miss?” he asked. Her red nail polish reflected the light, her hips moving as she ran to him. Her curves were sinful. Confident, fiery, dangerous, he noted; her beauty was a trap. “Oh gosh, I’m sorry. It’s been a rough morning and I spilled my coffee.” He chuckled lightly and moved to help her. He hadn’t met her before, but she looked familiar, encouraging him to get to know her. He was going to ask her name, but he was interrupted by the shiny blade behind her. “I’m sorry,” she said. Dangerous. Red was her favorite color.

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