Write a story about a character who decides to live without any form of artificial light.

How does this choice affect their daily routine, relationships, and perspective?


“Well how about driving? You drive at night right? I mean you go to!?”

“Nothing good ever happens after sunset.”

“I beg to differ, I certainly had some wild adventures after dark, if you catch my drift.”

“And? Have those experiences enriched your life?”

“That’s a stupid question. Sometimes you have to enjoy yourself. Have a fling. Do some blow. Catch the sunset and philosophize the meaning of life while you’re high.”

“No thanks. We’re getting older. You don’t have the resilience or the metabolism of your 20s. So no strings attached sex with a bunch of loose women, while drunk and drugged out, are trivial pursuits at best, detrimental at worst.”

“Uh huh…and what do you do for fun?”

“I don’t need much. I have my garden. My pets. My workout equipment.”


“Were the same age, but you’re beginning to have wrinkles and grays,”

“What? Where?”

“Don’t fret. Aging is natural.”

“I don’t get you. What does my grays and supposed wrinkles have to do with anything?”

“Well, I’ve been living without artificial lights for almost 4 months now. I’m sleeping better. I’m feeling stronger. My skin is clear and springy… and my time is spent with more substantive things that improve my life…while you are out chasing skirts and ruining your health.”

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