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His greed ran deep, just as deep as his envy for others and what they have and how they get treated, for free. While someone wants to play a greedy character in his life, he thought, might as well be him right?

Greed as broken many bonds that will never repair

Envy and zealous has ran a once good person into a killa.

Yes 2 lives were vanished from this guys greed, now he walks around kicking down the only one holding him up.. When in fact it’s the other way around.

His greed, wether it be for attention, money, admiration or just plain evil. His greed will leave you as a shell of yourself, forgot who you once were because his greed leads to everyone compromises but himself..

greed will kill.. greed killed my everyday friend 4.5 years ago. When someone gets greedy, there is someone’s well being at stake..

Watch out for these people.

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