Just One Of Your Queens

“ Good morning to you all. Today I stand before you not just as your queen but as a fellow commoner. Someone that you can trust no matter the title. I want you to hear it from me first, the one you chose to be your faithful queen.

This decision was not easy, but it’s one that I feel will serve the colony better. Today I have made the untimely decision to abdicate and renounce the throne. I know this comes as a shock as we are close to hibernation season. But hear me when I say that I will leave you in good hands no matter what. My last duty will be to make sure you have a successful hibernation season.

With that being said, it has been an honor to serve you as Queen, but I feel my time here is done. To my fellow commanding ant queens, I bid you good luck in your future monarchy and in leading this ant colony to a successful hibernation season.Thank you.

It has been my pleasure and an honor.


Just one of Your Queens “

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