The Man’s Collectible

“Hand it over, now!” he demanded.

So inconsiderate of him. Seems as if I’m simply just another doll to add to his collection. And yet people say we are a “wonderful couple” and we’ll “experience a lifelong relationship”…yeah right.

You know, I didn’t even have a choice. He instructed me to fall in love with him or he would kill all whom I love—my family, my friends…everything. Am I scared for what he might do to me now? Yes, yes I am. Do I regret it? No, no I do not.

I was so fed up with him that I left. Gave up on the “perfect wife” role I was required to practice. Always cooking and cleaning for him, never leaving the house until my pores were completely clogged with makeup, my clothes steamed at least five times. And yet there he was, gambling all of the money I worked so hard to acquire. He already threw my life down the drain, so what did it matter?

I had decided to leave as soon as he left for the casino after I had made him some “dinner”. I didn’t know where to go, so I just ran. I ran and ran until I bumped into the sweetest, most handsome guy I had ever laid my eyes on. I was scared, though, since HE caused me to have trust issues, to be afraid. I needed to confide my situation with at least somebody. And so I did.

It didn’t take long, though. That is, it didn’t take long for him to find me. Turns out, after eating his “dinner”, he tracked me down through my neck—he had placed a tracking device in my neck while I was sleeping. And so he found me.

“Hand it over now!” he demanded to the man I now trusted. Nick, the guy whom I had met, was quite confused at first, considering most people refer to others as “he” or “she”. And yet I knew what he meant since he had referred to me as an “it” for quite some time now. I was just a figurine in the game he had developed.

Yet, this was not his game anymore. He might have assumed it was because I saw the glint of hunger in his eyes…the hunger to kill my loved ones. That didn’t last long, though, for it was MY game now.

The coughing had started. He continued and continued, eyes beginning to pop from the socket. Grabbing his chest as he fell, gasping for air. And then…silence. Absolute silence. I had won…I had beaten his own game.

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