Observing Love

Jacob and I stepped out of the ferris wheel and looked around.

“So, what should we do now?” I asked, glancing around at the array of midway rides, carnival games and junk food stands that surrounded them.

Jacob eyed the huge circus tent that stood tall a few hundred meters to their left. “Hmm… I saw on the sign that they have a sword-swallower and live animals.”

I roll eyes at my boyfriend’s circus obsession. “Okaaay….then we ride the Screamer and eat Cotten candy and corn dogs.”

“Only if it’s in that order,” answered Jacob thoughtfully as he pulls me towards the tent.

Five minutes later we have left the tent and Jacob’s need to see someone swallow blades had been satiated. We walk towards the Screamer, an awesome roller coaster.

Suddenly I hears a sound from a sort of alleyway in between carnival tents. I look around and sees a teenager crying in the shadows. Behind her, a boy about her age walks up to her.

“What happened?” He talks in such a gentle voice, he might have been soothing someone he cares about very much.

She sniffs and wipes away her tears. “Harley— we— he— I—”

“Oh,” says the boy in a soft, understanding voice. “Where?”

“By the Ferris wheel,” she replies. “I was in the bathroom and he met this pretty girl— they talked, and… I guess I wasn’t enough. It’s my fault.”

“No,” he responds, in a stronger tone. “It’s Harley’s fault. He messed up your relationship. Not you. You were the most beautiful, kind, understanding girlfriend ever. It’s not your fault he didn’t see that you’re better than any blonde-haired pretty face. Ok?”

She nods and stands up.

“Wanna come on the Screamer with me?” He asks as she wipes her tears.

“Ok, but first, can we do the Ferris wheel?”

“Sure. I have a few tickets left.”

I smile as I watch them step in line and I get on the Screamer. I know the start of a partnership when I see one. I hope theirs lasts forever.

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