✨ Outside In ✨

A.J. Kit inspired this 😊❤️ thx girlie


*One year ago*

Funny walked in. Kind, Happy, Creative, and even Mad and Sorrowful were sitting on the couch happily.

“Hey guys, how’s Ansley?” Funny plops herself down on the couch by Kind.

“All good. Tomorrow is the day she figures out what classes she’s in.” Creative peers over. “Hope she’s still with her friends.”

“Of course she will Creative!” Kind smiles, his soft gaze landing on Funny. “Right?”

“SHE BETTER!” Madness fumed. “She’s been with them for 4 years.“

Scared runs in. “B-but what if she doesn’t? What if-“

“Come on guys. “ Funny patted Scared on the back. “This happened

last year too, and everyone was fine. Let’s watch!”

They all look to the screen. Ansley was just getting her card.

“Say Mrs. Lombardi, Say Mrs. Lombardi, Say Mrs. Lombardi, Say Mrs. Lombardi, Say Mrs. Lombardi, Say Mrs. Lombardi, Say Mrs. Lombardi, Say Mrs. Lombardi, Say Mrs. Lombardi!” Scared pleaded, his words turning into a spiral of fear.

The card read “MRS. SHRIEBER.” All of their mouths dropped open.

Sorrowful began to cry, Madness paced around angrily, fear screamed, and Kind and Creative walked out of the room.

“I could fix it!” Sorrowful cried, then began messing with the console.

“No! Guys, we can do this! She will be fine!” Happy ran up to him, pulling Sorrowful away from the console. “Ansley will be fine.”

*Around 10 months ago*

The elevator beeped softly. All of the faces in the room lit up. New arrivals! They hadn’t had any since, forever! Well, Puberty arrived a few weeks ago, but nobody likes her.

Ansley hadn’t been doing so well. Her friends ignored her since school started, and she hadn’t found any new ones.

The doors slid open. Two emotions walked out. One looked like she hadn’t slept in days, and the other, well he looked worse than Scared.

“Hi! Who are you guys?” Happy smiled.

The tired, sad looking girl whispered, “Depression.”

The boy said, a bit too loud, “ANxiEtY!” He cleared his throat. “A-Anxiety.”

“Well nice to-“ The emotions walked right past Happy and the others to the console.

“Well, haha, do you guys know how to use this?” Funny asked.

“I could help.” Kind walks up.

Depression clicked a small button, in the top-left corner of the console. It read, “Ajustment Disorder.”

“Wait, what did you just do!?” Madness screamed. “What does that mean?”

“Nothing shhhhHhhhHhHHHhHhh” Anxiety squirmed.

And that’s when it all went downhill.

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