Submitted by SLW

The Favourite Child

Write a story or poem centered around this theme.

Unfinished Love Letter To The Fav Kid

I had always been the favorite of the spawn of my family tree That knowledge had been crippling, debilitating, or am I lazy? I’m writing this out to talk to my inner child I see you boy it’s ok smile They said you were pretty and destined for greatness Because they saw paths and directions for you to go off in And you wanted them all so much so you couldn’t choose which dream to live It kept you frozen in indecision Even stiller in doubt Darling you didn’t know how to move So no move was the best choice you could make You thought you were making choices but you were rolling with the punches, no Rocky Then life hit harder than the sweetest Saki It wasn’t what was promised to you by family I saw me walking down the street in Seattle That was it, not the house I’d live in Not the car I’d drive Nor work I’d find Not the friends I’d have Nor the guys I’d lye, with That I had a dream of someone else It was so hazy it was like yelling it at me across a football field They weren’t my dreams so thankfully I didn’t live it And I can still do no wrong 😝
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