Write a series of diary entries from the point of view of someone hiding, evading capture.

They can be hiding for whatever reason you like, but think about why they are writing in a diary and who they might hope will find it.

Run Little Bunny

Dear diary,

It’s day one. Moma says she will be back in just six days, but then she muttered something under her breath that I couldn’t understand. I know she’s here though. She keeps scratching at the door and screaming in the hallway. It’s like a little game I guess!

Dear diary,

It’s day two. I’m starting to wonder if Moma is gonna come back. I’m not even sure If she’s here. It’s cold, dark, and I’m starving. The ceiling has crumbs falling off if it, and it keeps getting into my eye. Maybe tomorrow I’ll get food. That’s all I can think of. Food…

Dear dairy,

It’s day three and I’m starting to get worried. The scratching keeps getting deeper and the screams closer. The scratch marks are indenting into the door, I can see them from the inside. I hope that Moma comes back soon.

Day four, I don’t even have the fuel to say dear diary, because there’s nothing dear about this. I keep seeing eyes all around the room at night. They get closer and closer the longer I look at them. So all I can do it cry under the blanket biting at my fingers from pure hunger. I wake up in the night to screaming in my eye and scratching at my skin.

Dear diary,

It’s day five. Ive decided that I must be in a bad dream, this can’t be real. Mom always said that monsters aren’t real. I hope she comes back tomorrow

Dear diary,

It’s day six. Moma should be back soon! But I keep feeling my stomach rumble and move like there’s something inside me. I don’t know what to do. My skin thinning and my body rotting. I don’t think I’m gonna get to see Moma again.

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