Red Snow

The winter was at it’s prime. It was one of the coldest, heaviest, and dangerous winters i had ever experienced in my life. What else could you expect from Greenland. I was choosen by our township’s appointed leader to travel from our hometown Kapisillit to Sarqaq to do a trade off. This wasn’t very unfamiliar to our township, having random people selected to do this missions. Never once have they choosen a women before. They believed the women were meant to stay with our children to protect them whilst the men hunt do the trade offs, amongst other things. They saw something in me, they had to of seen something that thought i was worthy the job over a man. I feel nothing but the intense need to prove to them that they did see something in me and I could make this journey. It was in between a 2-5 day trip depending on how bad the snow was. We generally would work departure dates around when we thought snow was on the rise but it wasn’t always easy to tell. I left with nothing other than a snowsuit, the bison and artic fox skins i am to deliver, a backpack filled with basic needs (food for 3 days time, a buck knife made by my father and water for 5 days), and my snowshoes just to be prepared. The first day on the mission was easy, a blast even. I took somewhat of my time and when the sun first started setting i set up camp in a nearby forest. I found pieces of wood and after a bit of stuggle managed to get a fire going strong. I sat there grateful to have the honour to explore the world and go somewhere other than the town ship. I ate that days meal which consisted of simpily a few dried greens we had stored but it was enough and soon enough i was asleep by the fire under the bison skin. The next day comes and that’s when the snow began, i’m in the middle of nowhere trying to figure out what the right direction is and right as i figured it out the snow came in so hard i could no longer see 10 feel in front of me. I marshed on towards to direction I thought was right and within an hour or so the snow had stopped. Luckily I did indeed go the right way and felt confident about the rest of the trip. Yet again before I knew it the sun was setting and it was time to set up camp. I found a small collection of trees and decided that was my best bet in case the snow were to start again. this time I didnt get the luxury of a fire due to the previous snowfall along with no twigs to burn or start the fire. I was destined to get there tomorrow so one night in the cold wouldn’t do me any harm. I fell asleep yet again embraced by the warmth of the bison skin, just to wake up to mayhem. I awaken to the sight of at least 2 feet of snow possibly three with the snow continuously coming. Trying to preserve the day light a lowest amount of snow I had, I began to continue to trech through the clearing. This moment i was extremely glad I had brought my snow shoes or I wouldn’t quite know what to do. Although I had a way to get through the snow I had no way of seeing what was infront of me so i had to go souley based off my instincts. As I’m making my way through the freezing cold winds, the brutal blast back off snow from the wind, and the heavy fall of the snow I hear a howel. It was loud, aggressive, and hungry. I speed up. Attempting to get away from whatever made that horrible sound. I walk and walk and walk and continue to hear nothing then I feel something pull my pag backwards causing me to fall. I look up strugging to see anything, all I saw was white. Until I saw it’s beady black eyes. They were desperate, angry, and clearly ready to do whatever it needed to in order to eat. It was a polar bear. I had heard plenty of stories about them from the hunters but yet to see one in my entire life. I knew the minute I saw its face over mine, what it was. I quickly as possible unstrao my bag but as i’m doing that I see the beasts claws come flying at my face. I without thinking put my arm up to protect myself, leaving a bloody gash on my arm from the animals razor sharp claws. Using my other hand I grab the buck knife and just started to swing it around any which way that I could. Leaving a note deep cut on it’s stomach and a much deeper one through its left claw. From the stories the hunter’s have told the one thing I know not to let happen it let the animal get his teeth sunken into me because when that happens, it’s not letting go. I scurry up as quickly as I can and stand up, the bear even more enraged than before steps back and stands on it’s hind legs. Clearly ready for me to attack and so I did. I ran at the ravid animal with my knife above my head hoping to hit its head or heart, instead punturing his stomach. This time not so lightly the animal has now gone into complete fight mode. As soon as the knife hit it the bear when down from it original position and got me in my back, a great big gash. I yet again stab the animals paw hoping for release and it did. Now looking at the bear this is it, no more playing around this beast was ready to get over and done with this it was ready to kill me. It charges at me with full force, jaws open reasy to indulge into my skin. I tried my best to wound it before it could get to me but unfortunately I was to late. The animal had its jaws completely locked on my left arm and out of complete quick thinking and life or death moment I took the knife to it’s head, it was over. I had taken the life of a polar bear. The guilt was a whole different feeling ; it was a living this, It was just hungry, there could’ve been another way to deal with this.- looking at the blood red snow was being all these feelings as i couldn’t bare to look at the life i just took. In shock and pain i simply pick up my things and continued my journey is immense and obvious pain. Before i knew it maybe 15 minutes later i see it. The big torch with i shield around it i was told to look for. I limp over and people are there to greet me for the exchange but once they realized how seriously i was injured they put me on a husky sled and brought me into their town. They treated my wounds with what they could then escored me back to my home then let me out about a 15 minute walk befoe reaching my town as they felt everyone would be more comfortable that way. So i set off with items we had gotten in return for the skins and finally make it home. The concerned and respective looks on everyones face upon my return is something i will never forget. They now saw me as a warrior including the men. As i’m getting settled in being home and being friend by our nurse for my woulds a large group of hunter’s come up to me and tell me they respect what i have accomplished. Along with an invite to the next time, all I said was “well next time maybe a few people should come with me!”

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